Chapter 1 - Was it a dream?

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I woke up the next morning to the most perfect view. Jay was laying next to me, eyes open watching me.

"Morning beautiful" he says leaning forward and kissing me.

"You know I had the most crazy dream last night" I tell him.

"Guess what" he says reaching for my hand under the covers "it wasn't a dream" and he shows me my hand with the ring on it.

I lean forward and kiss him. "I love you Jay" I tell him "and I can't wait to marry you."

"I love you too"he says pulling me closer to him and wrapping his arms around me and kissing me in return.

"You know we have to whole day together today" I say with a smile

"I know, what do you say we spend it at home together lounging around on the sofa watching some films" he suggests

" that sounds perfect, have you ever watched Harry Potter?" I ask him.

Jay shakes his head and I feel my Jay drop

"How the hell have you never watched Harry Potter its like the best thing ever" I say shocked

"I don't know never really got round to it" he tells me.

"Well we are going to watch Harry Potter all day wether you like it or not" I tell him wiggling out of bed, stepping over Milo who was sleeping on the floor and into the bathroom to take a shower.

As soon had I turned the water on I felt a pair of arms on my waist.

I smile and say "you better be careful if my Fiancé caught you in here there would be trouble"

I hear a laugh from behind me before the figure answers "Fiancé or not im still sharing the shower with you." And he spins me around pressing his lips to mine.


After our rather enjoyable shower I put on some comfy clothes and went out into the living area of the apartment where Jay was looking at something on his phone.

"Pancakes or waffles?" He asks as I fiddle around with the DvD player

"Waffles" I answer switching the TV on

"I made the executive decision that we are not cooking all day and are ordering every meal" he tells me with a grin

"Ooo I second that decision" I tell him settling myself on the sofa with a blanket. Jay soon joins me and I snuggle up close to him and admire my ring.

It was the first time I had truly admired it, with all the excitement of last night I forgot. it was beautiful and I couldn't be more happy with it.

The all to familliar Harry Potter theme tune broght me back to my senses and I turned my attention back to the screen to watch the film

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The all to familliar Harry Potter theme tune broght me back to my senses and I turned my attention back to the screen to watch the film.

We manage to get all the way through the first two films without Jay making a comment like he usually does when we watch films together, I was waiting for something also the lines of 'why would you want a person sticking out the back of your head' or 'why is that Lockheart guy such a dick' but Jay remained quiet until we were partway through the third film when Jay reaches for the remote and pauses it

"I may Just be being really thick but is that Dumbledore different to the Dumbledore in the first two?" He asks me.

I laugh at him "no your not just being thick they are different" I tell him.

"Ahhh ok I was confused for a second there" he says with a chuckle.

We spend the rest of the day watching Harry Potter, we managed to get 5/8 watched in the time we had and Jay promised we could watch the other three some other time.

It was an amazing day just chilling and spending time together. Days off didn't happen too often so it was good to have some time doing something other than working.

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