Chapter 17 - I wasn't expecting that

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Jay and I made our way back up to the bullpen in silence, I couldn't believe what my mother had just said.

She had dumped Jackson on us and completely disowned me again.

But I couldn't let it get to me right now I had work to do.

We spent the rest of the day working on a case we had picked up.

It was just Kim and me in the bullpen going over the autopsy photos when I was overcome by a sudden sickness and ran out to the bathroom.

"Bailey you ok?" Says Kim's voice from outside the bathroom.

"Yeah, I guess, that's the second time I've been sick out of the blue like that" I tell her.

She stays silent for a second before saying something I wanst expecting

"When was your last period?"


"Just answer the question"

I think for a second then get what she's hinting at

"No kim your joking right there's no way......."

Except there was a way.

Jay and I had never really discussed children but we weren't exactly careful when it came to sex.

"Come on were going  to buy a test now" she says grabbing my wrist and leading out of the bathroom.

"What are we going to tell the others" I protest

But of course Kim is on top of that

"Hey Sarge Bailey and I are going to meet a CI" she calls to him as we grab our coats

Voight waves his hand to show his acknowledgement and we walk off down the stairs.


"Are you sure, I mean I could just have a stomach bug" I say as we are walking down the corridor to the front door of mine and Jays apartment

"Stop making excuses and go pee on that sick" she tells me shoving me in the direction of the bathroom.

I sigh and reluctantly make my way into the bathroom.

Those 3 minutes were the longest 3 minutes of my life.

What if Jay was angry? What if he didn't want to marry me anymore?

My head was filled with What ifs I was pacing around trying to calm my nerves.

I didn't even know why I was so nervous, having kids was supposed to be a happy time. Right?

My timer went off and I picked up the test to check the result.

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