Chapter 6 - I'm dreading this evening

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Today was the day I had been dreading, today was the day my parents were coming over and it's safe to say I was more that a little anxious.

I was sat behind my desk trying to get a case report finished but I just couldn't focus, all I could think about was my mother and what shit she might say to both Me and Jay.

I'm still stressing over the dinner when I notice a piece of paper land on my desk. I look up to see where it has come from and notice Jay looking at me, I unfold the piece of paper and see he had written a note

Follow me xxxx

I looked up again and saw him heading towards the locker room. I got up and followed him.

He was waiting for me  when I got there and came over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I can't promise tonight's going to be ok bay, but I can promise I'll be by your side through it all and stick up for you. Because I'm not letting anyone talk to the woman I love like that no matter how superior they think they are." He tells me

I breack the hug and gaze up into his eyes.

"Jay you have no idea how much I needed to hear that" I say

"Whatever happens tonight, just remember that I love you" he says stroking my hair

"I love you too Jay" I say kissing him

We stay hugging one another in silence for a few more minutes before we decide its bet we head back to the bullpen because people might start to get suspicious of where we were (Particularly Ruzek)

We both return to our desks and get back to our case reports I do manage to get somework done but not a huge amount and the closer it gets to 8pm the more anxious I get.

"Cooper are you OK?" Asks Voight coming out of his office "you've been very distracted today"

"Oh yeah I'm fine" I say trying to brush it off

"Bay everyone's noticed that you aren't fine" Jay says getting up and coming over to me.

"Have I really been that unfocused?" I ask the room at large

"Yeah you have" said kim looking worried.

I slump back into my chair resting My head on Jay who was stood behind me.

"My parents are coming over tonight and last time I saw my mother I was in hospital and like always it ended  in a shouting match and now I'm engaged to a cop so who knows what she will say" I sigh

" You and Halstead should go home" Voight orders

"What no we don't have to I'm fine" I protest

"No your not and its not as if your going to get any more work done is it" says Jay grabbing his Jacket from his desk.

I sigh and agree to head home to get ready for tonight.


Once we got in Jay and I both showed and put on some nice (ish) cloths. Jay began the prep for dinner while I rushed around cleaning as much of the apartment I could before my parents and Jax arrived.

I was sweeping the kitchen floor for the third time when Jay decided I had cleaned enough and took the broom out of my hands and pulled my in for a hug.

"If your Mother wants to pick holes us and our relationship then let her" he says stroking my hair.

"Its not that easy Jay" I say with a sigh "she's been doing it for years every thing I do will never be good enough for her"

"I know, but let's try and forget her opinions and acting the way she wants you too" he says kissing me "Just be yourself, you don't need to change who you are just to please others"

How did he always know what to say and when to say it. Jay Halstead was the most amazing man alive.

"I love you Jay" I saygazing into his handsome eyes, I could get lost in the for hours if I wanted to.

He opened his mouth and was about to say something in reply when the was a loud sharp knock at the door. I glanced at the clock shit, it's was 8pm exactly. It was now or never.

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