Chapter 4 - Maid of Honor

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I was sat in a diner anxiously waiting for kim to meet me for breakfast before work. I had decided that today was the day to ask her to be one of my bridesmaids. I had been putting off the task for a while now, not because I didn't want to ask her but because I had no idea what to say so I figured if I just asked her casually over breakfast and not really make a big deal over it would be the best idea. I still had to ask Eliza and Ally but for now I had to focus on Kim and like always she was late.

She eventually walked throught the door and spotted me sat in the corner.

"Sorry I'm late" she said kind of flustered "Adam came over last night and well one thing led to another"

I smile upon hearing this news, Kim had been telling me about her feelings for Ruzek for months now and I was glad that they had both finally acted with those feelings.

"Thats great that you both know how the other feels" I tell her opening my menu.

"I know and i think this time we're both determined to make it work"

Kim and Adam had been previously engaged a few years ago but it had all fallen apart with both of them left heartbroken. I still didn't know the entire reason for their breakup but I had been told bits and pieces of the story from Jay and the rest of the team.

We order our food and chat about this and that before the subject eventually comes round to my wedding like I knew it would.

"Kim" I say after we had finished discussing cake

"Yeah" she says taking a sip of coffee

"I was wondering if you would like to be a bridesmaid?" I asked her not making eye contact

"Bailey are you kidding me, of course I would, I'd love to be a bridesmaid" she says excitedly

I felt a huge weight lift of my shoulders I was so glad she'd said yes, I knew she would but there was still a part of me that had though she was going to say no.


2 days later

I was stood in Elizs kitchen watching her cook with a glass of wine in my hand. Eliza wasn't the best cook but she did always try her best to make something kind of edible but usually she'd fuck it up so badly we had to order a takeaway. We had been telling stories about former and current work colleagues making each other laugh quite a lot. Eliza had had quite a lot to drink and was a bit tipsy.

"Hey Bailey you wanna hear a joke, its like my best one" she says stirring the sauce

I rolled my eyes I knew exactly what joke this was, and it was terrible I had heard it thousands of times and every time she told me it got significantly worse

"If its that one about that fucking crab which I've heard a million times then no" I said with a snigger. I watched her face fall slightly for some reason unknown to me she loved this crab joke.

"Bailey-Jay don't think I haven't noticed you have something on your mind you've been quieter that usual all evening." She says leaning on the kitchen island.

She was right I was planning to ask her to be a bridesmaid and was waiting for the right time to do it. It seemed like now was as good a time as any.

"Be a bridesmaid at my wedding" I said, it was more a statement that a question but oh well.

A huge smile formed on her face and she ran round the island and embraced me in a very tight hug.

"Yes yes yes yes" she said happily "I would love to"

I smile I couldn't wait for my wedding especially now I had both my bridesmaids


The next evening

Jay and I had been discussing the best way to ask Will and Ally all week and we had finally come up with an idea.

We were sat on the sofa with Ally and will after a very nice dinner that Jay had cooked. I had offered to make Lasange again but he said we should have something else.

Jay had noticed that Milo seemed to be particularly fond of visitors and Jump on and off their laps whenever he was able to, so we had attached 2 notes to his collar one for each of our siblings.

I was leaning against Jay when I spotted Milo wander in I elbowed Jay in the ribs and nodded my head in the direction of Milo I feel him squeeze my hand letting me know he had seen him to.

And sure enough Milo hops onto the arm of the sofa Jay and I are one and then to the armchair where Ally was. Settling himself down in her lap, not really paying him much attention Ally begins to run her fingers down his back and the  under the chin when she stops suddenly picking him up and taking a close look at his neck.

"What are these" she says holding up the notes.

"I have no idea" I say trying not to smile

"You do know what theese are" she says pointing an accusing finger at us both

"Instead of guessing why don't you read them" Jay says taking a swig of his beer

Ally hands Will his note and they both open them. There is silence for a moment while they read what they say. Will is the first one to speak up

"Best man you serious" he says the shock in his voice evident

"Dead serious" says Jay smiling at his brother.

I look over to Ally to see if she had anything to say but all I see as a huge mass flying towards my face and I feel her arms wrap around me in a tight hug.

"I'll take that as a yes then" I say with a laugh

"Its a hundred percent yes I'd love to be your Maid of honour" she tells me as she wipes tears of her face.

"Errr do you mind" says Jays voice from behind me. I turn my head and look and see that he was squashed under me and Ally.

"Oh yeah, sorry" says Ally reagaing some composure and moving back to her chair.


"Now that all the asking people to be part of it we best get planning our wedding" Jay says later that evening when we are snuggled up together in bed.

"I'm so exited to marry you" i say looking up at him.

"I know me too" he replies "you know we ought to celebrate everyone saying yes to be involved"

I was shocked at this "Jay what do you mean celebrate its half past 11 at........" I trail off when I notice the look in his eyes I reposition my self and gently press our lips together.


The crab joke that is mentioned in this chapter is actually one my friend feels the need to tell me 5 times a day and it is soo bad I wasn't going to force you to read it as it will probably ruin your day 😂

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