Chapter 18 - I can't Wait

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Jay's Pov

"Where's Bailey?" I asked Burgess as soon as she reached the top of the stairs.

"I dropped her back at your place she didn't feel good"

"Yeah she was sick the other day and I think everything with her family is catching up with her." I say sadly

"Hey Sarge do you mind if I...."

"Go make sure she's ok" he says before I finish my sentence

I nod at him and grab my keys and Jacket before racing off down the stairs.


When I walked back into the apartment she was curled up on the sofa with Milo in her lap. I could tell she had been crying.

I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her and I felt her relax Into my arms as she so often did.

"Baby you ok?" I ask stroking her hair.

I felt her nod against me, but she still didn't say anything.

That was when I noticed the test


"Jay I'm pregnant"

I couldn't believe my ears. My own mini Halstead. I was so happy.

But she didn't seem to be happy at all

"What's up" I say turning her to face me

"Are you not happy?"

"No I am, its just"

I put my fingers under her chin forcing her to look at me

"You can tell me."

Tears are beginning to form in her eyes now.

"What if I'm a terrible mother, and turn out like her, disowning my own child, not happy with their life decisions."

I felt my heart shatter into a million tiny pieces. I hated seeing her upset, she always tried to be strong and not let on how much her parents really got to her.

"You listen to me Bailey-Jay" I say now fighting back my own tears "Don't ever let yourself think you are like them, because you're not. You are the most incredible person I know and I love you so so much and I can't wait to meet the little one"

I place my hand on her stomach where a small bump has already started to grow.

"At least now we know why you didn't fit into your uniform properly"

This makes her laugh.

"There's that perfect smile" I say staring at my beautiful Fiancé.

"I love you too Jay" she say kissing me "and I can't wait to marry you and have our baby"

"Just one thing" I say realising something.


"We might need to look into getting a bigger place".

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