Chapter 8 - A long day

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Jay's Pov

Bailey didn't sleep well that night I could feel her tossing and turning, changing position every few minutes.

I was devastated for her, she had told me to expect a scene a dinner but that, neither of us could of seen that coming.

Eventually my alarm goes off, i shut it off before checking on Bailey, finally she was asleep,I didn't have the heart to wake her, I'll just leave her sleeping and tell voight what had happened.

I carefully disentangle myself from both Bailey and the duvet before walking to the main bathroom to take a shower, the shower in our ensuite was loud and would definitely wake her up and then my plan of leaving her behind would be foiled.

After showering and getting dressed I make my way to the kitchen.

Fuck, I had forgotten that we had left all the dinner things out. I quickly tided them away and set the dishwasher going then made myself some toast before leaving Bailey a note saying where I was.

I was in the hallway putting my shoes on when I heard a very loud Meowing sound,oh shit I hadn't fed Milo, I was normally Bailey's job so I had completely forgotten, i pour some biscuits into his bowel hopefully that was the right amount, then grabbed my keys and headed out the door.


It felt incredibly weird driving to work without Bailey by my side, I had become so used to the feeling of her being there in the passenger seat beside me.

I felt eyes on me the moment I walked up the stairs to the bullpen.

"Wheres Bailey?" Kim's askes me worried

"At home asleep" I reply not really in the mood to repeat the events of last night.

I walk past my desk and into voights office closing the door behind me.

"Baileys probably not coming in today" i tell him.

"Last night not go well" he says concerned.

"Terrible" I reply "she hardly slept so I didn't want to wake he up"

"What happened?" He asks motioning for me to sit down.

"It was all going OK until her parents found out I was a Cop, and then all hell broke lose and her parents basically told her she was no longer a part of Their family" I tell him sadly.

"Her parents don't realise how lucky they are having an amazing girl like Bailey in their lives" he says

"No they don't" i agree

"You make sure you look after her" he tells me sternly "she's been through a lot theese last few months.

I had noticed Voight had a particular soft spot for Bailey and I had no idea why.

I opened my mouth to answer him but before I can Atwater opens the door.

"Sorry to interrupt, but guys we've got a case" he says hurriedly

"Were on our way" say Voight getting up and grabbing his Jacket. I get up and follow him out of the office and down to the cars.


I had intended to call Bailey on my lunch break and see if she was ok but we were so tied up in the case that I barely had time for a sandwich.

But I was glad to be heading home to her after a long day.

I could hear laughter coming from inside the apartment which was a good thing as it ment Bailey was in a better mood than last night.

I walked in and saw her stirring something on the stove and holding a phone to her ear, she hadn't heard me come in.

I walk over to where she is and wrap my arms around her waist and begin kissing her neck just how I know she likes it. I feel her relax Into my embrace and she tilts her head slightly so i have better access.

She's still trying to concentrate on her phone call to who I assume to be Eliza. But I can tell she's struggling so I decide to step it up a level and spin her round so shes facing me. She's enjoying this, I think to myself  so I continue to kiss her neck.

Eventually she gives up trying to continue her call "Eliza i need to go now Jays just got home" she says

Eliza said something I couldn't hear and then the hung up.

"Your trouble you are Halstead" she says putting her arms on my shoulders.

"I'm glad to see your feeling better" smile at her

"I'm even more better now your here" she replies kissing me.

I'm starting to realise that coming in the way that I did may have been a mistake because now I want more.

She must have seen the look in my eyes as she reaches behind her and turns the stove off.

"Dinner can wait" she says smirking "Right now we have more important things to do"

"I couldn't agree more" I say as I lift her up and carry her in the direction of the bedroom.

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