Chapter 10 - Uh oh

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Bailey's Pov

For once Jay and I were on time to work. We had woken up early had a nice breakfast of Pancakes, both had lengthy showers, fed Milo and even had time to get coffee before work.

It was admin day in the bullpen. Once a week we all attempted to get on top of the paperwork that always seemed to stack up.

However today neither Jay or me had much paperwork to do so we were sending each other texts from across the room.

J:You look amazing today 🥰😍

B: you don't  😇😜

J: that's not how compliments are ment to work.

B: :)

J: I keep thinking about your wedding dress.

B: your not seeing it no matter how much you beg

J: awww come on bay just one sneaky look

B: it's tempting but I'm still going to have have to say no

J: You love winding me up don't you

B: it's one of my hobbies 🙃🙂

J: I have a better hobby involving you 😏

B: we're at work, keep it in you pants Halstead (although that is a good hobby🤫)

J: Love you 💖💓

B: love you too 😘❤💖

We had been doing this for at least an hour when Voight came out of his office.

"Ok guys listen up I take it you've all heard that Kevin unfair has had to transfer to a unit in Texas to be closer to his family, so now we are a member down I would like to introduce Detective Ryan Davis he will be joining us" Voight says stepping to the side to reveal a tall bearded man standing behind him.

I felt as if I had just been slapped round the face.

No not him I thought.

My phone made its usual notification chime and I picked it up to see who was texting me and to my surprise it was another message from Jay.

J: You look like you very just seen a ghost, you ok???

B: tell you later.

J:You sure

B: yh it can wait.

"I'm so going to be making some changes to partners" Voight tells us.

"So let's go with Cooper and Dawson, Ruzek and Burgess,Myself and Olinsky and Halstead and Davis"

I feel my heart drop, I always knew Voight would split me and Jay up eventually and I never had a problem with that. But now He was partnered with Davis. Great.

Voight shows Davis his desk before calling Al into his office and shutting the door behind them.

I got up and headed to the breakroom and began pouring myself some coffee.

Jay was quick to follow me

"Your definitely not OK?" He says eyeing me up and down

"Its nothing" I say trying to push past him but he grabbed my arm.

"Bay, you know you can talk to me" he says

"I know Jay and I'm fine, just leave it" I reply pulling my arm aut of his grasp and walk back over to my desk.


Jay's Pov

She'd never brushed me off like that before, something was really bothering her and it was something g to do with that Davis guy.

I knew from experience that you had to wait for Bailey to tell you things and if you pushed her for answers she'd shut down and not answer you ever. So I just had to wait no matter how much I wanted to know what was up.

I did however find outwhat was up from Davis not Bailey and that really pissed me off.

"Why didn't you tell me!" I say walking up the stairs and over to her desk. After Davis and I had got back from seeing a CI.

I see a look of panic in her eyes as she grabs my arm and pulls me in the direction of the locker room.

She shuts the door behind us and turns to face me the look of panic now changed to one of upset.

"your ex shows up and you don't tell the person you are currently seeing straight away" I say my voice getting louder.

"Jay I....." she starts but I cut her off

"Let me guess You didn't know how to tell me" I shout

She let's out a heavy sigh, I can tell she's fighting back tears.

"No I knew how to tell you, I just didn't" she replies sadly

"Why?" I ask coldly

"Because i was scared of your reaction, Jay I spent my whole life keeping things from my parents because they would shout at me, put me down, say I wasn't good enough or I could've Done better. maybe you could have thought about how I felt about the whole situation before having a go at me and jumping to conclusions." She says tears now running down her face.

I couldn't believe what i had just heard. She had been sacred to tell me and i had made to whole situation worse by getting angry.

"Bay listen I'm so sorry, I didn't think" I say my voice instantly calmer.

"Forget it" she says walking out back to the bullpen living me stood in the middle of the room.

What had I done. I had hurt the one person I truly cared about. It broke my heart to think that she was scared of what I would say because of the utter shit her parents had said to her for all theese years.

I needed to find a way to show Bailey that I didn't want to hurt her and was really sorry for what I had said.

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