Chapter 3 - Siblings

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2 days Later

"Bailey will you stop" Jay tells me as I straighten the tablecloth for the hundredth time

"I don't know why you were telling me to stop its wonky" I protest knowing full well it wasn't.

He walks over to me takes my hands and places them on his waist "it's not wonky, your just stressing" he says calmly.

"I'm not stressing I'm absolutely fine" I lie

"You are and you know it" he tells me with a grin.

"Ok fine I am stressing" I tell him letting out a big sigh "tonight's the night my sister meets your brother and..."

"And its going to be fine" he finishes

"Yeah I suppose your right" I tell him leaning My head on his shoulder

"I'm Jay Halstead, I'm always right" he says with that cocky grin I so often saw when we were at the academy.

I roll my eyes and wiggle out of his grasp and head over to check on the sauce I had boiling on the stove. I had made a Lasange with cheesy Foccacia bread and a freash salad. I was perdectly happy with how the cooking had gone it was one of my favourote dishes to make.

I had just put the lasagne and bread in the oven when there was a knock at the door.

"I'll get it" Jay calls coming out of the bedroom. I nod and begin to clean some of the flour off the counter, somehow whenever I made pasta I always manages to get flour everywhere, it's just so messy.

I heard voices in the hallway and assumed that Will had just arrived because if it was Ally she would have walked straight past Jay into the kitchen and shouted some insult at me, that was the kind of relationship Ally and I had, sibling banter, throwing insults at each other all the time.

And sure enough a couple of minutes later Jay and Will came into the main Living area of the apartment.

"Hey Bailey, good to see you" will said giving me a hug

"Yeah good to see you too Will" I respond accepting the beer Jay offered me.

We moved over and sat down on the sofa and will in one of the armchairs. We had just started talking about how Will was getting on with his Girlfriend Natalie when the door burst open and Ally marched into the apartment.

"Sorry I'm Late, I had to fill out about 50 incident reports after our rookie decidedit was a good idea to cut hi finger off" she says

Jay and I took one look at the shock horror on Wills face and burst out Laughing.

"Way to make an entrance" I say still laughing

"You know me I love to be Dramatic" she says tossing her long hair over her shoulder.

I glance over at Will  and he still has a very shocked expression on his face.

"Will this is my sister Ally, Ally this is Jays Brother Will, Ally is Head waitress at a restaurant which is why shes going on about fingers being cut off" I explain to Will

"Oh that makes so much more sense now" says Will getting up and shaking Allys hand"

"Yeah, we just got a new rookie chef his Cv said he had plenty of kitchen experience but obviouslynot if he's cutting fingers off" she says helping her self to a beer out of the fridge

"You spend far to much time here" I say

"Your the one who gave me a key, so why wouldn't I use it and make myself at home" I cant think of a good comeback to this so I just nod and tell myself I'll make some comment like that later.

We chat some more before sitting down to dinner. Jay pours some wine while I dish up the lasagne.

"the more time you boys spend with Bailey the more you will notice how much she likes routine and does very similar things all the time" Ally says taking a sip of her wine

"I Do not" I say defensively.

"You do, the last 3 or 4 times I've had dinner at yours we've had Lasange every time" she says.

I open mouth to protest but shut it again when I realise she's right.

"You and Jay have that in common too" Will says with a chuckle "he's always Been one routine as well"

"And I told you I picked it up from the Army" Jay says

I notice will look over at Ally and shake his head before taking a drink from his glass.I'm glad Jay didn't notice this because I think he would have had a full on argument with Will right then and there.

It was a very enjoyable evening Will and Ally seemed to get on really well and I could see the four of us spending a lot of time together in the future.

We were sat in bed Jay scrolling through Facebook and me resting my head on his bare chest.

He puts his phone on charge and turns his attention on me "somethings on your mind bay" he says bluntly tucking a strand hair behind my ear.

"What am I going to tell my mum" I say as tears beging to form in my eyes "oh hi mum the last time I saw you I had nearly died and now I'm getting married to the love of my life buy hey get this he's a cop as well."

"Don't worry about that right now" he tells me pulling me closer to him "I know in going to have to meet your mother at some point before the wedding and if they want nothing to do with you then it's there loss, I'm marrying you wether they approve or not"

"Wait until you've seen what an asshole my mum really is and then see if you still want to marry me" I say sadly "I've lost count of the amount of boyfriends that dumped me because of my mum"

"Bailey I love you more that you'll ever know and I'm not going anywhere. it's you and I remember" he says kissing me gently

"I love you too Jay with all my heart"

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