prologue & copyright claim.

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So, here in again 💁 with the same title and cover photo yet with a different story plot.

Hope you guys will support my this work too, as you did and doing for my other work.

🌸Twist of Fate🌸

Enjoy reading.


Author's POV

" Rishi, please listen to me for once " a girl in her middle twenties ran behind a guy who was ignoring her pleadings, and walking like she doesn't even exist for him.

Passing through hallway if their college, Rishi reached inside library casually looking here and there expect that girl who was silently following him cause now they're in library.

He wantedly did that, he knows she won't stop her blambarings in normal places so he walked inside library hoping that she might leave him in peace. But she didn't.

" Rishi..... Rishi wasn't my fault " grabbing his hand forcefully she tried to stop him and make him listen to her. She made sure her voice is down as much as she could.

Students who were already present in library glanced at them for a good few seconds and again put there head into book which they were reading previously.

Jerking her hands away he went near book blocks where no one was watching them. Leaving a long sigh she too followed him tucking her hairs behind ears.

But she was taken back when he pushed her against the wall and locked her placing his both hands either sides of hers. Thanks to the book blocks which was helping them to hide their selves from others eyes.

Getting more close to her face, he stopped in inches apart from her lips.

The smell of his sweat was hitting her nostrils, yet she didn't felt disgusted instead she was attracted to it.

Looking into her eyes in intimidating way he slowly terraced her forehead to till her cheek bones using his thumb.

His intimate staring along with his touch on her skin, made her nervous about his next move.

" What's your name ? " Rishi asked in his husky yet heavy base voice, which gave her shiver through her spine.

" Rishi, we're in relationship for past one and half year and you're asking my name now ? Seriously ? " she spoke trying to maintain the eye contact looking up at him, due to his height.

" Don't question me back , just answer to my question okay ? " It was a more of warning for her. His brown orbs were shedding hole in her soul.

Not being able to cope up with his dominating aura she hummed in response.

" Now, tell me what's your name ? " this time he asked looking at her pretty mouth.

" Anu, ......... Ananya . " She mumbled in low voice.

" good, now tell me whom you belongs to ? " This question from him bought a smile on her face.

Without wasting another second she told him loud enough " you " and smiled.

" Hmm good girl, right you're mine....only mine." saying this he attached his forehead with hers with a satisfied victory smile.

" I'm sorry Rishi, i was just being polite with Aakash, but he took it wrong and end up proposing me that too infront you. I'm sorry you had to witness such a scene. " She spoke while circling her arms around his neck tip toying to match his height.

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