part 19

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did I really fall for the person who isn't for me?

Feeling lost and uncertain about her life, Anbu couldn't shake off the nagging doubt: had she fallen for someone who wasn't right for her? As she gazed out of the window, she let out a long sigh, exhausted from the endless loop of thoughts with no solution in sight. Life seemed so much simpler back in her school days, carrying her heavy school bag on her shoulders. Childhood was a time devoid of worries about the future, ego clashes, relationship troubles, and self-doubt. It was a time of innocence and joy—going to school, enjoying lunch breaks with friends, eagerly awaiting the end of class, and playful banter with classmates. The only concerns were marks and what her mother had packed for lunch.

However, after finishing school, Anbu's dreams of pursuing a Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in a prestigious Mumbai college were shattered by her parents' refusal to let her leave her hometown. Disheartened and feeling unwanted, she reluctantly settled for a Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) degree just to graduate. Determined to avoid discussions about marriage, Anbu pursued a master's degree, even though she lacked enthusiasm for the course. Her parents' relentless pressure to find her a suitable groom loomed over her, as societal expectations weighed heavily on their decisions.

Despite her lack of interest in working, Anbu sought employment as a means of escaping her parents' constant supervision. She craved independence and sought solace outside the confines of her home. With a small social circle comprising only her parents and two close friends, Swati and Varun, Anbu felt isolated and misunderstood.

Then, after nearly a year, her parents introduced her to Rishi—an unexpected ray of light in her otherwise controlled life. Anbu had always felt like a puppet, following her parents' commands without ever expressing her own desires. Despite the invisible barrier that existed between them, they pretended that everything was normal. But Rishi's arrival brought a glimmer of hope, a possibility for change in Anbu's scripted existence.

That's been Anbu's journey—constantly striving to please her parents in the hope that one day they'll see her as more than just a puppet, but as a daughter deserving of understanding and respect. Yet, for the first time, she wants something solely for herself—Rishi.

As she blinked, she noticed the clouds darkening and thickening, a sight that stirred thoughts of change. Change—the inevitable force that we all grapple with, often resisting its embrace despite knowing its inevitability. People evolve, relationships shift, and circumstances transform. Even the smallest changes can have significant impacts, shaping our lives in profound ways.

Anbu reflected on the necessity of change for growth, acknowledging its role in improving lifestyles and propelling individuals from immaturity to maturity. She recognized that life demands adaptation, and cooperation with change is essential for survival. Ultimately, she concluded that acceptance and adaptation are key to navigating life's uncertainties.

But what about those who resist change, clinging stubbornly to the past? Anbu pondered the righteousness of such reluctance. While everyone has their reasons, refusing to embrace change inhibits personal growth and hinders the journey toward a brighter future. Letting go of the past is essential for welcoming new opportunities and experiences. Life, she realised, is about accepting the unexpected and moving forward with resilience.

Yet, how could she convey this simple truth to Rishi? How could she make him understand the importance of accepting change and embracing the future? It was a daunting task, but one she knew she had to tackle if they were to navigate their relationship together.

Anbu's frustration reached a new peak, leaving her feeling utterly helpless. Despite her efforts to find a solution, she found herself at a dead end. Love seemed like an insurmountable obstacle, far from the beautiful feeling it was often portrayed as. Instead of happiness, she felt consumed by anger and disappointment.

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