part 10

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It had been a few days since Rishi confronted his past memories, and now everything was quite peaceful for him. He and Anbu started to spend more quality time with each other. The closer they got, the more he feared about something he didn't know. Yet, he tried his best to give Anbu the best of him. He indeed wanted to move on and start a fresh life with Anbu. Rishi had already begun to have expectations about their married life.

But life is all about cooperating with things that happen opposite to expectations. Let's wait and watch where Rishi's expectations will lead him and how he's going to react to it.

On the other hand, Anbu was head over heels in love with him. It didn't take long for her to fall for Rishi; he was all a girl could ask for. She felt blessed with her content life, a partner like Rishi, strict yet lovable parents, and two crazy friends. That's all she was happy with, her treasures.

Smiling at her random thoughts, Anbu sipped the mocktail while glancing at Rishi, who was fully focused on the fork and noodles. He was sitting in a plain black shirt matching it with checked grey pants. His hair was well set with hair gel. His face was covered with tiredness, yet his charm overshadowed that. His stubble looked more attractive with less beard. Anbu's eyes travelled more and saw his collarbone, which was visible due to his first two opened shirt buttons. His skin seemed too soft for a man; he looked so perfect, effortlessly carrying his imperfections. She had a craving to feel that soft and comforting skin of his, travelling her eyes further she tried to peek more of him.

Suddenly, she heard the bass melody playing in the background, averting her gaze from him. Anbu bit her lips in embarrassment, cursing her inner self for being such a pervert. Placing the mocktail glass on a purple velvet-clothed table, she tried to make herself look casual by looking here and there. In all this, Rishi was still focused on food rather than her. She found it cute when he was more interested in food than her, on their dinner date. No doubt he was tired and hungry when he came back from his work, and above that, he had to get ready for dinner too. Not wanting to get late, he got ready and left to pick Anbu. He took permission from his future in-laws to take their daughter on a date, as he's in the good boy list of his in-laws, they gave him a nod for his request. All the way to the restaurant, Rishi and Anbu talked about their work schedule and weekend plans. And now, in front of food, he lost all his gentleman filters and became a glutton.

After a hectic schedule, Rishi finally got a few days of rest, so he thought of taking her on a date and treating her well. He already messed up their coffee date and was being sorry for that because she waited for him for more than three hours that day, and the fact she didn't even get angry at him made him more guilty. So now he wants to rectify his mistake. Only two weeks left for their marriage, and Rishi wants to use these two weeks as much as he can. He wants to create more memories and moments before their wedding so they would already have a special connection by their wedding.

Memories, moments, and special connections. These are what Rishi is trying to create by himself now, whereas once upon a time, all those were created by nature. There wasn't any need to try to create something that didn't exist.

"Umm, Rishi," at last hearing her soft voice, Rishi looked at her, still chewing the food. Raising both eyebrows together, he asked her what was the matter.

"There's, umm... on the corner of your lips," Anbu tried to say, suppressing her smile. The way he dug his head into the food was so hilarious and adorable at the same time. Rishi looked at her dumbfounded.

Instead of saying anything, Anbu stood up and went forward. Wiping the little grey off from the corner of his lips, Anbu sat back on her chair. Rishi gave a cheeky smile to her, feeling a bit embarrassed.

Anbu chuckled at him and said to continue pointing towards the food.

"I'm full," Rishi told her while keeping the fork on the plate. He took a few sips of apple juice, and the satisfaction of good food was visible on his face.

"Sure?" Anbu asked him to assure herself.

"Yep, what about you?" Rishi questioned her, glancing at her plate, which was still half full.

"Yeah, I don't have much appetite," she answered him, realising he wouldn't be convinced as she ate little.

Rishi opened his mouth to say something, but before he could, Anbu said, "Buy me ice cream, that's enough," her lipped smile somehow convinced him that she was not lying.

"Okay then, which flavour?" Rishi took the menu card in his hand and started to look for the ice cream sections.

"Not from here, I want the street-side double scoop choco ice cream," she sounded more demanding this time. Ice cream is not the main part here; walking with him holding ice cream in her hand— that sounds like a date.

Rishi narrowed his eyes at her; she was still trying to suppress her smile. Why was she smiling without reason? Rishi thought for a second and later realised that they didn't have a proper date-talk; he was all focused on his meal while she was staring at him. So the real reason behind the ice cream was to walk and talk.

Licking his lips in anticipation, Rishi nodded at her. After paying the bill, both walked out of the restaurant and settled in their respective seats of the SUV.

After a few minutes of silent drive, Rishi stopped at a random ice cream shop. Parking his SUV in the parking slot, he got down and gestured for Anbu to wait. He went to the ice cream shop and returned in a few seconds, holding a double scoop of choco ice cream for her in one hand, and a vanilla scoop for himself in the other. Seeing him like that, Anbu smiled. A hot man wearing black, walking carefree with ice cream in both hands— isn't it the definition of sexy and cute? Pushing her thoughts away, she got down from the car, leaving her mobile and handbag inside.

Handing her the ice cream, Rishi gestured for her to walk with him. Anbu beamed with happiness. According to her, this was the best part of the date.

Taking slow steps, both walked forward, enjoying their ice cream in peace. The night vibe felt different while walking with someone special. The cold wind and fresh atmosphere were light. To their luck, the street was also silent; there were not many people around.

Meanwhile, Rishi had a small conversation with his mind about confessing something to her. It was more like a tiny rehearsal with his mind for things he wanted to confess in front of her on their special date night. Sliding his left hand inside his pant pocket, Rishi took a deep breath to calm his rising heartbeats. Anbu noticed all this and waited for him to open up.

Her expectations rose, feeling all those butterfly effects in her stomach, when he lessened their distance; now their shoulders were almost touching each other while walking. Anbu gave all her attention to him when he began to speak.

"Anbu, I... Actually..." he stopped abruptly from whatever he was about to say when he heard someone calling a name that triggered his painful past.

And this is what he heard.

"Anu... Anu... Stop."

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