part 14

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Love is often depicted as a beautiful, happy, and magical concept in people's minds. But for some, love takes on a different form—one that tears their heart in two, leaving them stuck in a painful limbo and robbing them of their sleep, peace, and ability to trust again. This kind of love feels like hell on earth, rendering them unknown, helpless, and pathetic.

He used to daydream about the lovable aspects of love, foolishly believing that it would bring nothing but joy. Little did he know that he would be faced with a reality where love brought nothing but pain, sorrow, and heartbreak, along with countless sleepless nights.

Years have passed, yet he finds himself unable to move on from her, haunted by memories that torment him daily. Why is moving on so difficult for him when others seem to do it effortlessly? Why is he still trapped in this hell, unable to let go of a girl who betrayed him, shattered his trust, and destroyed the love he had for her?

He's disappointed in himself for still longing for her, for still searching for her at the mere mention of another's name. What must Anbu think of him, seeing him unable to move on from his first relationship? Even though Anbu may mask her emotions, he knows deep down his inability to let go leaves her feeling insecure.

As he sits alone, sipping wine and drowning in his thoughts, the emptiness around him mirrors the void in his heart. With each sip, memories flood back, preventing any hope of a peaceful night's sleep. His mind relentlessly replays the past, tormenting him until the early hours of the morning.

He wonders where he went wrong, to deserve such suffering. His current situation feels like being trapped in a damaged boat, teetering on the edge of destruction in the vast ocean. He can neither jump into the unknown depths nor stay aboard the sinking vessel. Similarly, he cannot let go of Anu, yet he cannot fully embrace Anbu either.

Damn! How much worse can his life get than this? Just a few hours ago, he was enjoying a good time with Anbu until it felt like the universe decided to mess with his head. His relationship with Anu had already ended years ago; it was supposed to be the end of his past. Yet here he is tonight, drowning in regret over past decisions when he should be fast asleep by now. Why is he still trapped in this endless cycle of a relationship that shattered him into pieces? And now, after all these years of trying to pick up the broken fragments of himself, it seems like the universe is determined to thwart his efforts to move on from Anu.

He's beyond frustrated, grappling with how to break free from this never-ending loop. He wants to move on, he wants to rediscover happiness, and he wants to embrace the potential future with Anbu. But these memories of Anu and the moments they shared continue to consume him, blinding him to the present. Maybe he never should have allowed himself to become physically entwined with her.

The combination of intimate and emotional attachment is a relentless torment, and he finds himself ensnared by both for a woman who tore his soul apart. The intensity of their past relationship now haunts him, casting doubts on whether he'll ever be able to fully commit to a future with Anbu. It's terrifying to contemplate whether he'll ever be capable of loving Anbu as deeply as he did Anu.


"Anu, please, just listen to me," he pleaded desperately as he chased after his girlfriend, who seemed determined to ignore him.

"Anu... Anu... Anu, please stop," he said, grabbing her hand tightly to halt her progress. She squirmed in his grasp, but he refused to let go.

His gaze remained fixed on her, but she refused to meet his eyes, instead scanning the area around them. He followed her gaze and noticed a group of students whispering and casting furtive glances their way.

Realising they were in the midst of the crowded canteen, he reluctantly released her hand, feeling a pang of embarrassment. Anu shot him a glare, her eyes filled with anger directed at him.

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