part 9

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"Rishi, this is too risky," Ram whispered anxiously. But Rishi, annoyed by Ram's constant worrying, brushed him off. He had brought Ram along to help, not to add to his stress.

In the quiet of the night, Rishi and his friend Ram were outside the girls' hostel, to deliver a parcel to Rishis girlfriend, but Ram was fretting about the risks involved.

Ignoring Ram's concerns, Rishi scanned the balcony. The curtains were still drawn, indicating that the girls were still awake. Frustrated by the delay, Rishi sat on his bike while Ram stood nearby, holding onto the handlebars with a pout.

Ram continued to express his worries about the strict hostel warden and the dangers they might face. But Rishi, determined to carry out his mission, shut him down firmly.

"Shut up, Ram. We've been here for an hour without anyone noticing. No one will see us now. Just keep quiet or leave," Rishi said, irritated by Ram's persistence.

Ram fell silent, clearly upset with Rishi's dismissive attitude. Ignoring Ram's mood, Rishi urged him to stay quiet and focused on the task at hand.

After a brief check to ensure no one was around, Rishi climbed onto Ram's back to scale the compound wall. With Ram's help, he reached the balcony and retrieved the parcel from a plastic bag.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Rishi carefully placed the parcel in a carry bag hanging from the balcony railing. Then, he climbed a pipe to reach the balcony, relieved to have completed his task safely.

With a sigh of relief, Rishi pulled on the rope to retrieve the bag and took out the parcel. Despite the challenges, he was determined to deliver it to Anu's balcony.

So far, half of the plan is complete. The rest hinges on how she reacts to seeing him there. He runs his fingers through his hair to tidy it up because he doesn't want to appear messy in front of her. Making a good impression is important to him.

He takes out his phone from his pocket and dials her number. She doesn't answer until the fifth ring, probably asleep. When she finally does answer, he quickly tells her why he's there before she can ask questions.

"Hello, I'm outside your balcony. Come and open the door for me, and please, be quiet. Be quick," he says, ending the call because he knows she would have asked many questions.

He taps his foot impatiently as he waits for her. In a few seconds, he hears the door click, and there she is with her messy bun and cute glasses.

"What the hell, Rishi? What are you doing here?" she whispers, glaring at him with her big eyes. She looks around to make sure no one sees them. She's smart.

"I'll tell you everything in detail, but first, let's go to your room," he says, holding her hands.

"No way, get out. Now," she whispers every word, shooting bullets with her eyes.

"Okay, then. Your wish," he says, pushing past her and walking inside. Anu follows behind, running in small steps.

"Wait, where are you going?" she asks, holding his hand to stop him.

"To the main door. You were the one who told me to leave, right?" he asks, raising his eyebrows.

"You came by the balcony, right?" she asks, looking him up and down.

"Yeah, but now I'm not in the mood to climb down the pipes. Let me just use the main door, baby," he says, sounding a little dramatic. He knows it's a kind of blackmailing, but what can he do when she behaves like a grandma?

"You... follow me. And behave," she warns, grinning like a kid as she walks to her room. He follows silently, making sure not to make any noise.

He sees two girls sleeping on the couch in the hall, holding the parcel close to his chest. He goes inside Anu's room.

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