part 13

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Warning 🔞:- triggering words and mention of sexual harassments. Be aware.

Enjoy Reading.


Anu's POV

Another pair of tears rolled down my cheeks when I sobbed silently covering my mouth with both of my palms. The running water on me didn't calm my burning self. The lump created in my throat was making it hard for me to breathe.

My hands were shaking, my lips were trembling and my whole body was burning.

Another shriek of cry left my mouth thinking of how pathetic i was after realising that i had been raped by someone in my unconciousness. How helpless and broken I was after knowing that someone had snatched my innocence from me without my consent. How disgusting i felt when i was binge harassed in local train, how disgusted i was when i saw a man in his forties staring at my breasts during project meetings, the dirtiness i felt when i was desparetly seraching for a job in Delhi as a newbie and a HR manager asked me if i will let him to fuck me if he gave me the job. How pitiful I was when I couldn't spat back at that teenage guy in my neighbourhood who kept giving me creepy singles to give a blowjob to him. And those neighbour aunties who gossips about me saying, i'm a whore, a slut etc. they even rumoured about me that i sleep with my boss in the name of overtime, not only my boss, but my colleagues, my manager, and they didn't hesitate to add watchman in that list.

All these tortures, suffering and misbehavings only because I'm a single parent?

But I didn't want to parent my daughter alone. It was my circumstance. I had to choose my self respect over him and most likely he put me in a situation where I had to choose between him and myself. Ifif only he listened to me for once when I was pleading to him, if only he believed me rather than doubting me, if only he trusted me instead of what he saw ... ... ..maybe today things would have been different.

And i chose myself, till now i never regret what i chose. Even though I faced some bullshit living alone.

Staring at the bathroom wall, I felt my tears soaking up and the irritation of my eyes began.

It's 2AM in the morning, and the whole night I couldn't sleep at all. Putting Ria to sleep I thought of taking a shower thinking it might help me to relax a bit so that I can sleep. But things got worse when I suddenly got flashbacks of all those mean and hurtful things that happened to me long ago, not that long though.

And I just sat down, all naked and drenched in water, my hairs were all over me. In a flash I began to cry and the urge of crying never let me stop crying. Intentionally remembering all the bad things that happened in the past , I started howling.

My eyes looked up, there was a mirror which would reflect myself if I stood up but I don't want to see myself now as now I'm in the most gentle trauma that I will be screaming at myself if I saw myself in the mirror.

I brought my knees close to my chest and leaned on the wall hugging my knees. My head is feeling heavy due to tones of shading tears.

I put my head on the bridge of my hand which was on my knees, closing my eyes for a while. I livid a minute of darkness.

And slowly I felt light and drowning into something addictive but good.

I fell asleep.


"Open your damn door," Anu grunted, knocking firmly on Rishi's apartment door. She bit her inner cheek, trying to control herself from yelling. With her arms crossed and foot tapping impatiently, she waited, but there was no response from inside.

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