part 6

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The river was swelling rapidly with constant bucketing down. Some People were getting themselves prepared to face the cyclone, like buying extra food if it's needed and cutting down a few branches of trees which can fall due to the cyclone. Government was helping the roofless poor peoples by providing them shelter. Few people were looking after their vehicles' parking slots too. while some were just calmly enjoying the musky weather.

Rishi was gazing at the water bubbles which were falling from the relay of the balcony. Time has already passed seven in the evening, time passes like a blink of an eye when you're with the right person. Just a few minutes ago his parents called him and asked him to stay inside the apartment and take care of himself. Rishi too spoke to them for a few minutes and ended the call. He was seated on the couch of the balcony with both hands on either side of the couch in a Comfortable and relaxed position yet Something was disturbing him, and he was continuously avoiding that. So he stopped talking and looked for Anbu. The whole house was looking dim as the electricity problem occurred earlier. So they have used some candles and battery lights for brightness.

Diverting his mind from there Rishi, looked at the scenario of Anbu convincing her friend swati.

Yes, now the poor child doesn't have an option, other than calling her friend Swati and convincing her to continue the drama which she began unknowingly.

On a serious note, lying to parents can cause a lot of mental pressure.

Somehow these all looked funny to Rishi, he was totally entertained by Anbu.

Her adorable baby face which appears whenever she sees her father's name on the phone screen. The way she twists her stands of hairs while explaining everything to her friend. And the most cruel stunt of hers was biting her rossy plump lips out of nervousness.

It was strange that he was trying to control himself around her, it's not him. Not the usual Rishi. Infact after his break up he almost lost interest in women. He never admired any woman till now, checking out girls was not even in the list until he met Anbu. Anbu is something different from the other women. The strong feeling of attraction and wanting her was inside him the moment his eyes fell on her. Absolutely it's not about beauty. Beauty never attracted a real man, Soul does.

Something is special about her, and he's finding what it must be.

His lips curved into a smile when he recalled their moments from the morning, her giving a surprise visit. The coffee time, and sudden rain, her staying here, and the cyclone news, her dad's order over her spending the night safely at her friends house AkkA his itself.

A mere day has done a lot to him, and a little more to her too. He knows she is hesitating to spend the night here, but he is helpless in this. Because the weather is poor and he can't take risks with her. She is more important now, more than their prestige in front of their parents.

He also knows, if their parents found out about this, then surely both of them are gonna face a lot of questions. An orthodox family won't allow them to spend the night with eachother even if they are happily engaged and soon gonna get married to each other. This isn't any movie where families take everything lightly, maybe some real life parents understand their child's and might take things lightly, nevertheless here both sides of the parents are strict and narrow minded, generation gaps play a big role here. They might be questioned by their parents But he's ready to face all those questions if she is with him. Now she has become his power booster.

" Rishi, don't sit there ideally come here and help me out idiot " Anbu yelled at him and again continued to talk to her friend like nothing happened.

Rishi winded his mouth, when she addressed him as 'idiot' it was so random of her. No doubt she is really horrified by her parents and the frustration overtook her.

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