part 2

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Anbu rushed into Rishi's room with a sense of nervousness, finding it empty except for the sound of running water from the restroom. As she neared the door, she called out to him with concern, "Rishi, are you okay? Why were you screaming?"

For a moment, there was silence before Rishi abruptly opened the door, his hand still grasping the handle tightly. Anbu looked at him puzzled, noticing his dishevelled appearance with wet hair, a towel draped around his neck, and a pair of black track pants.

"Ahmm... nothing, it's... nothing," Rishi muttered, avoiding eye contact with her, which only added to her confusion.

However, Anbu's attention was drawn to his hand pressed against the back of his waist, and she quickly deduced what must have happened. "You slipped and fell down inside the restroom, right?" she asked with a serious expression.

Surprised by her accurate guess, Rishi nodded, feeling embarrassed by the situation. Anbu couldn't help but burst into laughter, earning a sharp glare from Rishi, who felt increasingly mortified.

Once Anbu had composed herself, she asked him genuinely, "Okay... okay... I won't laugh. Now tell me what happened."

Rishi explained how he had slipped and landed on the floor, trying to downplay the incident, but a sudden movement caused him to wince in pain. Concerned, Anbu flinched at his reaction, realising the severity of his discomfort.

"Nothing? You just yelled out of pain in front of me, and now you're saying it's nothing?" Anbu scolded him gently, her worry evident.

Feeling guilty for causing her concern, Rishi remained silent, but Anbu insisted on helping him out of the restroom. Despite his protests, she wrapped her arm around his waist and guided him to the bed, where she made him comfortable with pillows for support.

Anbu then retrieved the medical kit and applied ointment to his wound, instructing him to turn around. As Rishi complied, he couldn't help but feel a surge of warmth at her caring gestures, interpreting them as a metaphor for something deeper.

Turning onto his back, Rishi lay on the bed, feeling insecure about being shirtless in front of Anbu. However, she seemed unfazed, tending to his wound with skill and compassion. As her hands worked their magic, he couldn't help but feel a sense of peace wash over him.

Anbu was surprisingly comfortable as she applied ointment to his wound, doing so with ease and without any hesitation. Her touch felt like magic, soothing his pain and making him feel better.

"Done. Rest for a while, I'll be back after washing my hands," Anbu said with relief as she left the room.

She washed her hands in the kitchen sink to remove the sticky ointment, then grabbed the coffee mugs and returned to Rishi's room. Rishi was reclining on the bed with his eyes closed.

"Here, take this," Anbu whispered, handing him a coffee mug before sitting on a chair beside the bed. Rishi accepted the mug with a quiet thank you, earning a smile from Anbu.

As Rishi sipped his coffee, he stole glances at Anbu, admiring her wavy hair and full lips. Wanting to avoid embarrassment, he looked away and took a deep breath.

Being alone with Anbu made Rishi feel both happy and nervous. He couldn't help but focus on her, even as she talked to him with a cute smile. He didn't understand what she was saying, as his attention was solely on her.

In a raspy voice filled with longing, Rishi finally spoke up, asking, "Can I kiss you?"

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