part 4

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" Sure, mom... hmm... yes, mom... okay, mom... yeah... okay... " Anbu nodded along with her mother's instructions, her voice reflecting compliance. With no other choice, she decided to stay back until the rain stopped. Meanwhile, Rishi sat on the couch, observing Anbu as she smoothly fabricated a story for her mother.

Her eyes darted around nervously as she assured her mom that she was staying over at her friend Swati's place due to the rain. Anbu couldn't help but bite her thumbnail out of anxiety, hoping her lie would hold up. After wrapping up the call with her mom, she let out a sigh of relief.

Convincing her strict parents was always a challenge for Anbu. Their orthodox views had limited her freedom since childhood, and she yearned to break free. Despite her love for her family, she felt suffocated by their control. The prospect of meeting her fiancé before marriage was a taboo in her household.

When Rishi's proposal came, Anbu initially hesitated about marriage and commitment. However, meeting Rishi changed everything. His unique perspective on life and surroundings intrigued her, gradually turning her infatuation into affection. She realised he was the one for her and accepted his proposal without hesitation.

As she tossed her phone aside, Anbu couldn't help but smile at the cosy moment they shared earlier. Rishi noticed her changing expressions, finding her lie to her mom endearing.

He marvelled at how cute she looked even while lying.

Trying to avoid dwelling on the past, Rishi redirected his thoughts. "So, what's next?" he asked, his mind blank.

Anbu lowered her hands from her head and met his gaze with a composed expression. "Um... honestly, I don't know," she admitted.

Their coffee date had already concluded, and they were now stuck indoors due to the storm. Yet neither of them complained, secretly relishing the opportunity to spend more time together without any interruptions.

Rishi suggested how about a movie ? and Anbu agreed, open to any genre. "Sounds good, but which one? Thriller, action, romantic, or comedy?" she asked, willing to go along with his preference.

" Well, thriller one is okay, as we already had our own romantic version a few minutes ago " instant regard was evident on Rishi's face after blurring out his thoughts loudly.

He wanted to slap his mouth, but he didn't as it would hurt him. Ouch!!

Anbu looked at him with a wide open mouth shyly. " You're so embarrassing Rishi, " she whined, feeling awkward when he mentioned their kiss encounter as a romantic version.

"I was just so, ummm, blank-minded that I... forgot to use a filter on my mouth," Rishi stammered, avoiding eye contact with Anbu.

Anbu nodded understandingly, realising that Rishi hadn't meant to say anything embarrassing. "Umm... Actually... I'm sorry for making you feel awkward. Hmm, never mind, let me find some thriller movie," Rishi mumbled hurriedly, standing up to search for movie DVDs in his room. Anbu couldn't help but hold back her laughter at his sudden disappearance, finding their interaction cute.

In an era where streaming services like Netflix and Amazon are prevalent, Rishi still finds satisfaction in watching movies on DVDs, reminiscent of his childhood. After a few minutes, Rishi returned with some DVDs, while Anbu went to the kitchen to fetch snacks. Though she initially looked for popcorn, she settled for chocolate cookies instead.

Anbu returned and sat on the couch, leaving space for Rishi. They both smiled at each other before focusing on the TV screen. As the movie started, Anbu asked, "Which movie?" before the title appeared. Rishi excitedly responded, "Veronica."

"Hmm," Anbu hummed, though she had already seen the movie multiple times. What mattered to her was the company rather than the movie itself.

As they watched, Anbu found herself on the edge of the couch, engrossed in the movie. Suddenly, the power went out, plunging the room into darkness.

"What the..." Rishi stopped himself from swearing in front of Anbu. "I think there must be some issues due to the rain," Anbu suggested.

Rishi went to check the main switch while Anbu scrolled through her phone. When he returned with an irritated expression, Anbu offered him comfort, understanding his annoyance at the situation.

As they sat in the dimly lit room, listening to the rain, Rishi felt a sense of calmness around Anbu. Their eyes met, and he found himself drawn to her soulful gaze, realising that her inner beauty was more captivating than her physical appearance.

Lost in the moment, Rishi leaned closer to Anbu, and they shared an intense gaze. Anbu blushed and bit her lip, unknowingly igniting a spark in Rishi. With a silent question in his eyes, Rishi sought permission, and Anbu nodded in response.

And that's how it began.

He smiled and leaned in to capture her tempting lips, moving slowly and carefully until their hot breaths mingled. Anbu closed her eyes, surrendering to the moment. Rishi held her face in his palms and brushed his lips against hers, preparing to deepen the kiss. But suddenly, something halted him. With a jerk, he opened his eyes and pulled back, exhaling heavily.

Anbu, still anticipating the kiss, opened her eyes to find Rishi sitting at the other end of the couch, his head in his hands. He appeared distraught, which made her nervous.

"Umm... Ris," she began, but before she could ask what had happened, Rishi spoke up.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that. I was just lost..." Rishi stammered, unable to meet her gaze.

"It's okay, Rishi. We're engaged and I lo—" Anbu started to say, but Rishi interrupted her again.

"No, it's not okay. I'm not okay. I didn't tell you something important about my life, something I should have told you before," Rishi lamented, lifting his head to look at her. His eyes spoke volumes, conveying the pain he felt.

Anbu realised where this conversation was headed, grateful that she had mentally prepared herself for this moment, knowing it might arise given the circumstances.

"I was in love with someone," she heard his deep voice, heavy with pain and anguish, sending shivers down her spine.

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