part 3

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Anbu's gaze made Rishi feel like he had said something he shouldn't have. He turned away, embarrassed. He hadn't meant to blurt that out, especially not in front of her. Feeling foolish for his clumsiness around her, he found it hard to tear his eyes away from her lips. There was something about her that drew him in, something he didn't feel with just any beautiful woman—it was only with her.

Anbu had a way of making him feel good without even trying. Her presence alone seemed to bring him comfort and good vibes. It wasn't just physical attraction; it was her mindset, her unique perspective on things that he found so captivating. He felt a sense of connection with her, knowing that she would be his life partner soon, and sensing that she already cared for him deeply.

After a few minutes of silence, Anbu broke the awkwardness by suggesting umm, i think should leave

Rishi felt terrible for making her uncomfortable, even though it wasn't intentional. He could imagine how awkward she must feel, and he didn't dare to meet her eyes after realising she wanted to leave because of his blunder. He simply nodded in agreement.

"Alright, take care. I'll come by tomorrow. And if you need anything, just give me a call," Anbu said, avoiding his gaze as she got up from her chair and placed the coffee mug on the table. She glanced at him one last time before turning to leave, but she stopped abruptly as she heard his sincere apology in a deep voice.

"I'm sorry," Rishi muttered, feeling genuinely remorseful for making her uncomfortable.

Turning around, Anbu approached Rishi, whose gaze remained fixed outside the window. With a playful smile, she planted a kiss on his cheek, taking Rishi completely by surprise. His eyes widened as he felt the softness of her lips against his skin, even if it was just for a fleeting moment.

"For now, this will do," Anbu said softly, looking down to hide her blush. "And don't worry, you've never made me uncomfortable. In fact, I've never felt more secure with anyone else until now."

Rishi's face lit up with a bright smile, feeling relieved that she wasn't uncomfortable around him. He knew that if he had made her uncomfortable, it would have weighed heavily on him. Her words reassured him, reminding him of the trust they shared.

"Thank you for understanding," Rishi said gratefully, smiling back at her. He was genuinely thankful that she didn't make a big deal out of his unintentional slip-up and understood his intentions.

As Anbu mentioned leaving due to the weather turning bad, Rishi nodded in agreement. He knew it was risky for them to stay together under the same roof for too long. With a somewhat reluctant smile, he bid her goodbye as she grabbed her handbag and headed out of the room. Rishi followed, slipping into a baggy t-shirt she had fetched for him before leaving his room.

As they reached the entrance, they paused, exchanging a glance filled with anticipation. "Okay, thank you for the coffee, and take care of yourself," Anbu murmured softly.

Rishi nodded in response and returned her smile. As Anbu mentioned leaving, he felt a pang of regret, wishing she could stay a bit longer. However, he kept quiet, knowing it might lead to risky situations.

As Anbu stepped out of the main door, a sudden clap of thunder startled them both. "Awww Ch!" Anbu instinctively covered her ears with her hands. Rishi couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, finding it adorable.

In an instant, heavy rain began to pour down, as if someone had turned on a faucet. Anbu glanced at Rishi, who was already looking at her with a playful smile. It seemed like his wish had been granted by the sudden downpour.

Amused, Rishi gestured with both hands, inviting her back inside. With a shy smile, Anbu re-entered the house and locked the door behind her with a thud.

They stood facing each other, with a small smile playing in the corner of their lips. Despite feeling somewhat helpless, they found solace in each other's presence.

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