part 7

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It was a grey morning, with heavy clouds threatening rain. The air felt fresh after the rain, giving everything a vintage look. The plants and trees appeared vibrant and clean, washed by the rain. The sound of water droplets falling was melodic in the noisy city.

Anbu glanced at Rishi, who was sleeping peacefully beside her. He had left a gap between them, perhaps to maintain a distance. Anbu knew he was concerned about physical closeness, but what about the connection they shared last night? She smiled sarcastically, knowing that no matter how much he tried to keep his distance, they always ended up close. She admired his messy hair and features, refraining from touching him to avoid disturbing his sleep.

Her gaze lingered on his lips, remembering their kiss from last night. It had been smooth and gentle, making her blush at the mere thought. She never imagined a simple kiss could affect her so deeply. Despite her strict upbringing, she had always harboured dreams of love. Now, with Rishi, those dreams are coming true.

Although she genuinely liked Rishi and accepted him as her life partner, her feelings had grown beyond mere liking. She had fallen for him, but she was unsure of his feelings towards her. She wanted more than just his liking; she wanted to know if he felt the same way she did. But she decided not to rush things. If their love was meant to be, it would happen in its own time. For now, she chose to cherish their moments together.

Anbu found herself admiring Rishi when suddenly his eyelid flickered and he slowly opened his eyes, locking gaze with her. She felt a strange sensation in her stomach and quickly averted her eyes, getting up from bed and adjusting her dress.

"Good morning," Rishi's deep voice greeted her from behind.

"Good morning," she replied, feeling embarrassed at being caught staring.

"Don't be embarrassed, you can check me out whenever you want. It's your right," Rishi teased with a devilish smile.

Anbu suppressed a smile and tried to deny it, but Rishi's teasing only made her more flustered.

"Let me freshen up," she said, escaping from his teasing and retreating to his sister's room, closing the door behind her. She chuckled at her own silliness before taking a bath, humming a random song.

Meanwhile, Rishi lay in bed for a few more minutes, contemplating the strange feelings Anbu stirred within him. Something had changed inside him since meeting her, though he couldn't quite label it as love. Regardless, he knew he wanted her all to himself.

After tidying up the room and getting ready, Rishi decided to make breakfast before Anbu emerged. He quickly prepared coffee and toast, considering the grey morning and the need for something light.

As he finished, he heard the door unlock, and Anbu stepped out wearing a white dress, drying her hair with a towel. Rishi couldn't take his eyes off her, marvelling at her effortless attractiveness as she moved gracefully.

Noticing his gaze, Anbu raised an eyebrow, prompting Rishi to quickly inform her that coffee was ready. She smiled and joined him for breakfast, the atmosphere between them almost silent.

Suddenly, Anbu's phone rang, displaying her father's name. She answered with a sense of urgency, and Rishi watched closely, trying to gauge her father's message from her expression.

"Hello, appa," Anbu spoke into the phone, and Rishi observed her closely, trying to discern the message her father conveyed through her expressions. After a moment of silence, Anbu's face turned to one of anticipation.

"Sure, appa, I'll be ready. Drive safe," Anbu concluded the call, her voice tinged with disappointment as she relayed the news to Rishi that her father would be picking her up from Swati's house.

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