part 18

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Failing at yet another attempt to drift back to sleep, Rishi opened his eyes, annoyed by the uncomfortable position he found himself in. Adjusting his vision slightly, he noticed that the room remained dark and quiet. Despite the calmness, everything seemed unusually unsettling to him. A sharp pang of pain drew his attention, and he rubbed his temple with his thumb, trying to alleviate the ache. He closed his eyes briefly before opening them again, finding the glowing LED wall clock displaying 4:21 in the morning.

Taking stock of his surroundings, he widened his eyes and shook his head in an attempt to shake off the headache. At that moment, he realised that he wasn't in his own room, nor was he sleeping on his own bed. Turning his head towards the bed, he saw Anbu's sleeping figure, even in the dim light, her sleeping posture discernible. Memories of the events from the previous night flooded back into his mind.

Cursing himself mentally, he rubbed his face to shake off the remnants of sleepiness. Suddenly, the air felt thick with an unknown fear as he contemplated the consequences of his actions while under the influence of alcohol. Regret and guilt washed over him, enveloping him in a shroud of sorrowful contemplation.

What had he done to her? He had shattered her hopes for their future together. He berated himself for not exercising self-control and for burdening her with his unresolved past. How would he face her now? She would demand answers, and he wasn't sure if they would still be the same after everything that had transpired.

As each minute passed, he gained a clearer understanding of the events of the previous night, and it only fueled his anger further. He was furious with himself for being so weak, for breaking down in front of her. He had tarnished the one person who had brought light into his life, who had shown him what it meant to truly feel at home.

He couldn't bear to think of how she must have felt, witnessing him cry over his ex-girlfriend in front of her, his soon-to-be-wife.

Starting with the regret over drinking, Rishi questioned himself inwardly. Why had he even indulged in alcohol in the first place? And then, why had he delved into his past, reopening old wounds that should have remained closed? It all stemmed from his curiosity, he supposed, but he should have known better than to dwell on unanswered messages from his ex-girlfriend. His decision to come here had only compounded the situation, adding further chaos to his already troubled life.

Sighing heavily, he rose from the couch and sat upright, facing the empty wall. With the darkness still lingering outside, he deemed it the opportune moment to leave. The last thing he wanted was to risk being discovered by his soon-to-be in-laws, inviting unnecessary scrutiny and embarrassment for both himself and Anbu.

Running his fingers through his hair, he approached Anbu cautiously, ensuring his footsteps were barely audible. Kneeling down beside her, he kept his gaze fixed on her sleeping form. She lay on her stomach, one hand tucked beneath her chest and the other resting on the pillow. Her hair cascaded over her face, adding to her allure even in the dim light. Despite the messiness of her morning appearance, a small smile tugged at his lips.

She was perfect in his eyes, with her expressive eyebrows, almond-shaped eyes, and nose that delicately curved above her full lips. Upon closer inspection, he noticed a few blemishes on her cheeks, but they only served to enhance her natural beauty. Her skin wasn't flawlessly smooth like in cosmetic advertisements; it was dry and textured, but it made her seem more relatable, more human. She exuded authenticity, and it was that very authenticity that made her perfect in his eyes.

As Rishi pondered his situation, he couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief. Was this the same woman he had considered leaving? The same woman he had been willing to let slip away? His mind couldn't accept it. She seemed like a rare work of art, a sudden revelation that changed everything.

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