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Hey everyone! I'm currently working on another bonus chapter, but before that comes out, I want to talk about some FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)
I went through a lot of common comments and I'm going to be answering them here! If you have more questions that weren't answered, feel free to pm me or comment!

1. Who said "goldfish"
Cole obviously. That doesn't need any more explanation.

2. Why did Mason force Hailie to tell everyone what happened?

Honestly, not to sure why I wrote this. I think mainly because Mason seems so put together and just so.. well perfect. I wanted to make him seem like the bad guy for once to show that no one in that family is perfect no matter how hard they try. And that he wanted Hailie to have support from everyone in the family, but he didn't know how to express that properly.

3. Why did Xander have poison in his car?

Honestly, I didn't even plan on making it poison, I was planning on making it a very strong alcohol, but a ton of comments guessed that it was poison, so I decided to change it last minute. I don't really have an explanation why, sorry guys :(

4. Is Hailie 14 or 15?
She was 14 when it started. I know I messed up her age at times, and I'm so sorry for the confusion. I know I made a lot of you confused and mad and I'm super sorry about that. But she was 14 for majority of the book.

5. Who is Hailies favorite brother?
She really doesn't have favorites, she likes them all equally (except Xander is much further below) but if she had to chose, Alex.

6. Why does Xander have such a hard time expressing his love for Hailie?
He's always had a hard time processing his feelings, and he has always loved Hailie, but had a hard time telling her. He never actually says the words "I love you" so he shows it through actions; protecting her, teasing her. That's just how he shows his love.

7. What happened after Hailie had her first kiss?
To say the least, it wasn't pretty. When her brothers found out, they were extremely mad ofc since their baby sister just had her first kiss. They were all very angry, but Mason had to convince them all they couldn't just beat Hardin up over this. Hailie on the other hand, was a blushing mess.

8. Why did Hailie have advanced classes but not her brothers?
They did. They all took advanced classes. Her brothers are all very smart, wether they show it or not, they all are. And although some of them (Xander) really didn't want to take those classes, they had to.

9. Was Hailie ever suppose to find out of the mafia?
Hell no. Her family's plan was her to never find out. They didn't want Hailie to see them differently and maybe even being afraid of them. They all had a fear that Hailie would leave them like their parents did, so they were very scared of telling her.

Hope that answered some question! If you have some more, you can ask them here. Thanks, love you all 🤍

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