THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR 38 K READ! I love you all so much! Thank you!!
Mason was going to love it!
_________________________________"Wait... what's the plan again?" Will asked me confused.
I sighed.All of my brothers were in my room. Xander sitting on my desk chair, Alex leaning against my door, Cole next to my closet door, Will sitting on the floor next to my bed and me sitting on my bed.
"How many times do I have to explain it" I said shaking my head laughing lightly."When Mason gets back from his business trip today, we're pretty much going to pamper him. Alex" I said turning to him "You talked with those people to arrange Mason a day off right?"
He gave me a thumbs up."Great. Does everyone remember what your doing?"
They all looked at me confused. I sighed again and took a piece of paper and a pen from my dresser. I wrote what everyone was doing;Xander- In charge of hiring an at home massage
Cole- Make all of Masons favorite foods and serve him whenever he wants
Alex- Make a playlist of Masons favorite songs for him
Will- Make sure all the decorations are upI rip up the paper and hand each boy their tiny piece of paper with their jobs.
"Wait what decorations?" Will asked.
"Will! I've told you 100 times already! Just make Masons room clean, set up some candles and stuff to make it as relaxing as possible!"
"Okay, cool.""Wait! What will you be doing" Xander raised an eyebrow at me. All my brothers turned their attention on me expecting an answer.
"Everything else. I hired the cleaning staff that came a few hours ago. Remember?" They all nodded. "That's why the house is spotless, I bought all the candles, ingredients for the food, I made Alex an Apple Music account, and I made this entire plan. While you all are doing everything, I have to make sure Mason is as relaxed as possible. Also, you all better keep him stress free for the next few days or Im going to smack you all."
I looked at all of them waiting for answers. They just looked at me shocked.
"Okay Fair enough" Xander said sprinting out of the room. The rest of us laughed and everyone left my room to finish all of our tasks. Mason will be home in 2 hours, which gives us a good amount of time to set evening up.Cole finished cooking with 30 minutes to spare, Xander got the personal massager (I don't know what to call it) to set up everything in the living room across from the tv so Mason could watch something while getting the massage, Alex set up a 5 hour playlist full of songs that Mason would like. Surprisingly, there were a lot of pop songs that I would be surprised if Mason would like them. Lastly, Will set up candles all around the house, sprayed Febreeze all over the house so it smelt like apple cinnamon, and he set up flowers in fancy vases in every room. I set the TV in his room, and the TV in the living room to play soothing classical music in the background. It was very light so that Alexs' playlist could be heard as well. Next, I hung up and outfit for Mason which consisted of grey sweatpants, and a T shirt I found in the very back of his closet next to the front door so I could give it to him as soon as possible. I don't think I've seen Mason wear anything more casual than jeans and a pollo shirt. We all changed into black and white outfits:
I wore a cute white dress with black socks, Alex wore black pants and a white T shirt, Xander and Cole both wore Black pants with blacks tops, and Will wore black pants with a white shirt and a black jacket. Everything was in place.
We all stood near the door and waited to hear his car outside. Mason walked into the house and turned to us and raised an eyebrow.
"Why are you all dressed like you go to private school?" Mason questioned.
(The private school near me wear black and white. I know not all school do.)
We all smiled at him.
"Well, we noticed how stressed you were lately, so we decided to help you relax" After saying that, I shoved the clothes I picked for him into his hands, taking the papers he was holding and putting them aside. Then, I took his arm and dragged him to the bathroom in the hallway and shoved him inside.I waited back by the door and after a minute he came back wearing the clothes I picked for him with a confused look on his face.
"What have you guys done?" He asked eyeing us suspiciously."Oh Mason, don't worry about it! Your going to love it."
Hey everyone! The next chapter will be up either tonight or tomorrow. I've been busy lately. But I hope that you have enjoyed the chapter. Love you all

Her New Life
Teen FictionFor as long as she can remember, Hailie lived with her mom and stepfather because; as her mom says "he left us to rot." So she always knew Her father didn't want her, but she was happy with her mom and stepfather. That was until her mom died in a ca...