Chapter 27

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I'm sooo sorry you guys had to wait this long for a chapter! I have been asked to write a story for a platform on Wattpad, so Although I LOVE your ideas for my new book, I won't be starting another one on my account. I will be writing a new book on a different platform. YES I am still writing this book tho! Love you all so much for 99 k reads! Love you all! ☺️❤️
Oh god. What have I done.

Hailies POV

"Hailie, come downstairs, dinners ready." Alex had come into my room while I was doing home work.

"Okay I'll be right down" I turn to him to answer his question. He nodded and left my room. I heard his footsteps quiet down as he went downstairs.

I was very nervous for today's dinner because today I was going to tell my brothers what I did. I knew they would be very mad and disappointed, but I wasn't going to live like is anymore.

I took a deep breath, stood up to straighten my outfit, and went downstairs.

It would be even harder because Mason would be eating with us today. Which is why I'm way more nervous then I should be.

I sat down in my chair and all of us started eating.

After 20 minutes, we all had moved onto dessert. Which was a small lava cake and vanilla ice cream for all of us. We all had started eating, so I cleared my throat ready to tell my brothers what I had done.

But a voice beat me to it.

"Hailie" Mason said gaining my attention and everyone else's in the room.

"Yes" my voice came out as a whisper.

"Could you please explain this" Mason put his phone on the table and I took a quick glance realizing that he had it opened to the email I had sent from his phone.

Oh crap how could I be so stupid! I hadn't deleted it from the "sent" folder of the app!

"I- I was going to tell you..."

"When?" Mason snapped.

"Today" I looked down at my lap. "I promise I was! I knew you would react like this so I-"

"No Hailie. I don't think you understand. I have you homeschooled for very important reasons. You will not break very simple rules. I don't know how you have managed to do this, but trust me, it will never happens again. You will never breath near a school after tomorrow, and you will stay home until I decide when your punishment if over. Hand me your phone." Mason said with a deadly voice that would make anyone question their existence.

I knew this would happen so I took the phone from my pocket and placed it in his opened palm.

"Tomorrow morning, you will go to the school you applied for, and explain to them what you did, and why you won't be attending. Xander will take you."

Now I heard Xander speak.

"What? Why me! Why not Alex or something?"

I could hear the annoyance in his voice. I don't blame him. I would be annoyed too.

"Xander, don't make me ask again. You will take her and that's final."

That was the worst dinner of my life.


Thank you to CuteEmojie For the idea coming up in this chapter! I loved your idea so I put it in the book 😊

Hailies POV- the next day

I felt something being thrown at me. I ignored it and turned around in my bed, wrapping the blanket tighter around my body.

I thought I heard something, but I ignored it.

I felt something being thrown at me again, and again.

I groan and get sit up leaning against the headboard.

"What is it." I say rubbing my eyes.

"Get the fuck up Hailie, I have to take you to the school today." I heard Xander's voice.

Oh shit!

"Oh right! I'm so sorry I forgot. I'll be down in 10!"
I jump out of bed and run into my bathroom. I heard Xander leave right before I turn on my shower.

I quickly shower, brush my teeth and hair, change my clothes and run downstairs. I see Xander sitting on the chair in the dinning room on his phone. I ignore him and frantically look through the fridge. When I don't find anything, I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and yell at Xander that I'm going to wait in the car.

Xander took his sweet time to come to the car because by the time he sat down, I had finished my apple and had gone back inside to throw it out.

Whatever he had done better have been important.

We both stayed silent as we drove for 10 minutes towards the school. When we pulled into the parking lot, my draw almost dropped. The school was like a whole dang museum! I don't know how the cost to come here was so low.

It was a public school, but it looked like it has 6 floors, the walls had glass, stone and vines hanging on them. The architecture was amazing and it even had a few fountains, benches and flowers all around the school. It looked straight out of a fairy tale. This made me even sadder at the fact that I can't come here anymore. There was no one here except a few cars which I was guessing were the teachers. It was a Sunday, but Mason has scheduled a meeting specifically for this... situation.

Lemme tell you, I would rather die then have to do this again.

This is how it went: when we walked in, I almost fainted. It was beautiful, spacious and roomy inside. There were many doors and lockers. And the bright lights made it seem like a castle.

We made our way to the office and we sat down to talk to the principle. He listened well, and didn't interrupt me once. He smiled once I finished.

"Oh that's ok. It's sad we won't have you joining us this year, but all is well. It was your decision to do so, and now your paying the price" he said it with a frown, almost like he was actually sorry that I couldn't go to the school.

After he showed me that he took me out of the school program, Xander ushered me out of the school, and told me to go wait in the car because he still had to speak to the principle.

I told him that I really needed water, so he quickly told me to look in the car, and pushed me towards the car while unlocking it.

I groaned but got in anyways.

This is the part where CuteEmojie'S idea comes in. Thanks so much for this idea!

I looked around for some water, until I found a bottle in the trunk. Finally! I though. I didn't even think twice as I opened the bottle and chugged the entire thing. I wiped my mouth and threw the empty bottle near my feet. I would throw it out later.

But as I put my seatbelt back on, I couldn't help but notice how... weird the water tasted. It almost tasted bitter in a way. I shook it off as I laid my head back as I felt a headache trying to pound it's way into my skull. I groaned and tried to rub my temple to sooth the pain.

The last thing I remember is seeing Xander walk towards the car.

Then everything went black.

How everyone! This may be one of the longest chapters I have every wrote! I had so much fun writing it! The last bit wasn't my idea so please let me know if it was yours so I can give you credit! Thanks so much for 99 k reads! Love you all! Hope you liked this chapter! ❤️

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