Chapter 14

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Hey everyone! Sorry: I know I was suppose to update yesterday but funny enough, I got my period. So the update was a day late. Sorry!

I'm done with his bull shit.

Hailies POV

I woke up panting in my bed. I thanked god that it wasn't so bad that my brothers noticed. I tried to calm my breathing while pushing the memory to the back of my brain. I sigh and got out of bed. Once I have a nightmare, I can't go back to sleep.

I went into the bathroom to get ready for the day. I checked my phone: 5:45 am. Great.

As I was washing my face, I couldn't help but wonder if I was ever gonna be able to get rid of Daniels damages... I scoffed at that. Yeah right... i couldn't just forget 10 years of damage. I get out of the shower and change into some sweatpants and an oversized T-shirt.

I grab my phone and make my way downstairs. I hear muffled voices, but they stop when I enter the room. Alex and Mason sat at the kitchen island and just looked at me. I made my way to the fridge to get water and a small snack. I wasn't in the mood to talk to Mason, or anyone for that matter. Not after yesterday. But still, I couldn't believe that he didn't tell my brothers! Apparently, he just told them I was still traumatized from my parents deaths. What a lame excuse... I don't know how they believed it. Probably because Mason said it. I don't know at this point.

I just wanted food.

Just as I was about to go back up the stairs, a voice stopped me.


"What is it Mason"

"Don't use that tone with me"

I just rolled my eyes. Mason just raised his eyebrow and looked at me disapprovingly. I just sighed.

"What is Mason" I ask again but a bit nicer and calmer.

"Today, you will tell everyone everything" he said giving me the look.

I just nodded and left. As I turned around, I saw a look of confusion on Alexs' face. Just wait till he finds out...

I run to my room and jump on my bed silently screaming into my pillow. I can't tell all my brothers! I knew they would all flip out and not to mention they would all treat me differently! I just know it. They'll start treating me like I'm fine China, and if they talk to loud they'll break me. I know for a fact that our relationship will never be the same.

I just sigh and wait till everything changes...

I laid on my bed reading a book I found in the library when I heard Alex yell "Family Meeting."


This wasn't happening. I can't! I just can't tell them everything! I took a shaky breath as I heard Alex call my name again. I opened my door with a shaking hand and made my way downstairs going as slowly as possible. On the way down, I made a plan to only tell them... certain thing. I would never, never tell my brothers I got raped. Even if it's the last thing I do. They'll never know. And I hope that Mason will respect that I don't want to tell them.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

I entered the living room to see all my brothers sitting around the room. Cole on the floor looking at his phone, Xander on his phone leaning against the wall on the opposite side of the room, Alex and Mason sitting on one of the couches, and Will on the other couch.

Once Alex noticed I was there he brought all the attention to him. "Okay everyone on the couches." The six of us spread out onto the 3 couches. Me in between Mason and Alex. I knew that if my brothers got angry, at least Mason and Alex wouldn't show it as much.

"Alright everyone. Phones away. Hailie has some very important and serious news she has to tell us." Mason said, now bringing all the attention into me.

Oh god. I can't do this. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. My palms got really sweaty and everything was becoming blurry. I quickly calmed down though as I knew my brothers were waiting.

"Um- I... w-well... I-" I took another shaky breath and told them the whole story. Daniels beatings, him starving me, always coming home drunk, etc. Of course I told them everything except the rape part. I knew that they would punch a hole in the wall or something. They already looked ready to kill.

All they're eyes were now almost black and not the beautiful light, shimmery hazel as usual. All their knuckles were white and their hands were in tight fists. I also noticed how all of theirs jaws were so tightly clenched. I had never seen them so mad before. Even Mason looked even angrier than the first time I told him. I think that the realization really just hit him.

"Hailie" Masons voice was darkly calm yet dangerous.

He continued taking, "I want you to tell them everything."

My eyes widened and I couldn't seem to breath. My gaze was immediately brought down to the ground.

"THERES MORE! What more did that sick bastard do! He already hurt her-" Xander started to protest but was cut off my Masons raised hand indicating him to be quiet.

I closed my eyes as the memory flooded my mind once again. My eyes were not stinging as I felt the feeling of un-shed tears.

I opened them again and told them. I told them how he would touch me, and what he did every day. Of course I didn't go into any detail as they were my brothers. But also as I would have a panic attack if I said any more.

By the end of my lovely story (note the sarcasm) all my brothers looked like they wanted to kill.

"Hailie, how do you know Luke" Cole said out of no where.

"W-what?" I responded shocked.

"Don't act like we didn't notice. It's obvious you guys know each other" Will finished Coles sentence.

"Promise to not get mad?" I said shyly.

Now all my brothers looked at me curiously. The anger still present in their eyes even though they tried to hide it.

"Me and Luke used to be friends at my old school. We were pretty much inseparable. We did everything together. I thought that we would be friends forever.." I stopped briefly to think about all the good memories.

"Um... and then we started to date.." I briefly looked up to see all my brothers fuming with anger. If we were in a cartoon, they would have steam coming from their ears.

"W-we were a good couple I guess. We did everything together. And I thought I truly loved him, and he loved me. But that wasn't really the case... he started to not like me I guess. He would always tell me how useless and worthless I was... stuff like that. I didn't know why. That was until I found out he was cheating on me with another popular girl."

I finished my story to see all my brothers trying to keep all their anger in. Even Mason and Alex looked ready to kill even though they normally don't show that much emotion.

"That bastard"

Hey everyone! Hope you liked this chapter! Sorry it's so short! It's roughly 1500 words. I'll make the next one longer. Hope you enjoyed! Next chapter coming next week! Love ya

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