⚓️New begins⚓️

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I ran to my house as fast as I could. The worst thoughts were running through my head. Is Gwen dead? Is someone hurt? Did someone die? Was there a fight? When I got there I found Jack and Gwen and they were both fine but no one would tell them what was going on. I walked up to a police officer and demanded to know what was going on.

"Listen young lady I suggest you go home and mind your own business."

"Excuse me but I can't get into my house because the cops are investigating but no one will tell me what is going on so I won't mind my own business."

"You own this house?"

"Yes my friend and I do."


"Jo Garcia."

"And your friends name?"

"Gwen Hernandez."

"And that man with her is?"

"Her boyfriend who stays with us."

"And his name is?"

"Jack Gilinsky."

"That's funny my daughter loves him."

"Really?" I said laughing.

"Yea she has always wanted to meet him."

"Well I'll give you my number and maybe we can arrange something once we figure out this whole mess."

"Ok cool. But anyway someone broke into your house. We found suspects who are leading us to the robbers as we speak. There was a bag found out in your backyard with some of your belongings so we are checking for fingerprints and then we will give everything back to you."

"What did they take?"

"2 Mac books, a pair of beats, some lights, they tried to take the TV in the living room but it was still there but way out of place, and they took some of your food out of your cabinets and refrigerator."

"Ok but you found everything in that bag?"

"Yes nothing else was stolen I can promise you that. We did a whole search and did an extensive scan of your house and nothing else was taken."

"Ok well do you know when we are able to go back in? Gwen was just released from the hospital and she is still sick and needs to rest."

"It will be a couple more hours can you go to a friends house?"

"Yea sure. Just give us a call when everything is all clear."

"Will do." The officer said walking away.

"Jack why don't you take Gwen to your house to get some rest. "

"Ok are they almost done in there?"

"No they have a couple hours to go as plus she will want to be with you anyway."

"Where are you gonna go?"

"I have a few things to get but I'll come over later."

"Ok. I know your going to go see Cameron." Jack said picking Gwen back up.

"No I'm not." I yelled back.

"Sorry I just thought..."

"Well stop thinking." I said running to my car.

I decided to go to Jc's to talk with him. I walked in and no one seemed to be there. I turned the corner and heard someone talking it was Jc.

"Hey J..." I started before I stopped myself.

I saw Cameron sitting in a chair eyes all puffy and red.

"I'm sorry I didn't know you were coming. I'll leave." Cameron said wiping his eyes.

"No it's fine I'll see him later." I said turning to leave.


"Yes Cameron?"

"Will you at least forgive me? Please." He said tearing up again.

I couldn't help my emotions. I did want to cry but I couldn't. I wanted to run up and hug him but I couldn't. I wanted to kiss him and go home with him but I couldn't. I just couldn't move. I couldn't speak I just stood there. He must have gotten the message because he came closer and wrapped his arms around my waist and hugged me tightly . I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him back. I missed that. How he hugged me. I could fell the relief in his hug. He didn't want to let go.

"Cameron you can let go now." I said.

"No I want to remember this feeling."

"You don't have to remember it because you can hug me whenever you want."

"But we are rarely together anymore."

"Then we will have to change that won't we." I said giving him a smile.

He smiled immediately before he crashed his lips onto mine. By this time Jc was out of the room so I felt comfortable. It wasn't a huge kiss. It was small but it felt like heaven to be back in his arms again. Cam and I went back to his place and chilled for a little. He posted a pic of him and I with the caption:

"I know I hurt you but we learn from our mistakes and I learned that I can't live without you❤️🙊😚"

The fans went nuts and were so happy/mad but they will get over it. We chilled for the longest time until I just decided to stay at his place like I used too.


I woke up in Jack's arms which made me extremely happy.

"Hey babe your up."

"I guess I am."

"How are you feeling?"

"Better actually."

"Good I hated to see you like that." He said kissing my forehead.

"So what have I missed?" I asked snuggling up to him.

"Nothing much but oh Taylor called and he wanted you to call him when you got up."

"Ok I'll give him a call." I said trying to stand up.

"Hey don't leave me." Jack complained.

"I'll be right back and we can do anything you want." I said letting go of his hand.

"Anything?" He asked with a smirk.

"Not what I was thinking mister!" I said shoving him playfully.

"I know but we can make out right?"

"Of course." I said kissing his cheek.

I called Taylor and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Hey Tay its Gwen!"

"Hey how are you feeling?"

"I'm so much better thanks! So what's up?"

"Can I come over? I need help with something."

"And would this something be a girl?"

"Yea how did you know?"

"You sound nervous and why else would you call a girl for help?"

"True haha. So can I come over?"

"I'm at Jack's place but yea you can come over."

"Did I interrupt something?"

"No haha." I said laughing.

"Ok I'll be over in about 20 minutes I'll bring some food!"

"Ok see ya then!" I said hanging up the phone.

Hey guys I know this chapter is reallyyyyy short but the next one will be way longer and a new character will be entering the story!!! Love you all:)

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