Back from the dead.

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When I pulled up to Jack's house I got a call from someone I haven't talked to since I moved.

"Hello?" I asked confused.

"Gwen!!!! You actually answered. I miss you so freakin much." My very best friend that I considered like a sister said to me.

"Paige! Oh my gosh this is such a surprise. I miss you so much too. How have you been?" I asked very surprised.

"We haven't talked in ages so I really wanted to call you and oh my gosh I'm so good but you are doing way better than me. I can't believe your dating Jack Gilinksy!!!" She yelled as I walked into Jack's house.

"I can't believe it either." I said walking towards Jack.

"Who are you talking to?" Jack asked kinda annoyed.

"I'm talking to my old friend Paige from back home." I said to Jack.

"Ohhh." Jack said wrapping his arms around me and kissed my forehead.

"Are you with Jack?" She asked basically freaking out.

"Yea it's him." I said laughing.

"Hey!!!" Jack yelled into my phone.

"Hiiiiii Jack!!!!" She yelled back.

"Soooo." Paige said.

"What???" I asked laughing.

"I'm coming out to Cali to see you!" She yelled.

"No way are you serious?" I said jumping up and down.

"No lie. I leave tonight I should be there tomorrow at some point." She said explaining all the details.

See me and Paige have been friends since way back then our dads knew each other and we met and became best friends. Paige and I always tell people that we are cousins and everyone believes is. We are so close and when I went to high school then moved we kind of became disconnected but now that she is visiting I hope she stays. I have missed her so much and just getting this call from her made my day completely. We talked for like 15 minutes then she had to go to he ready.

When I got off the phone Jack ran to me and pulled me in very close to him and whispered in my ear.

"I've been waiting for you."

"Jack come on I'm here now."

He pulled me in closer and started to kiss me of course I kissed back. The kiss started to get heated. He picked me up and started to walk upstairs. When we got to his room he placed me on the bed and closed the door. I started to freak out and when he came near me I freaked out. I was having a freakin panic attack. I ran to the bathroom and closed the door and locked it. I started to cry because I was scared, of what? I wasn't sure. Jack kept knocking and told me it was ok if I wasn't ready to move that fast. I told him to go away and he begged for me to let him stay. He finally listened and left the room and opened the door and ran downstairs. I grabbed my bag and ran out to my car and Jack followed.

"Where are you going?" He yelled running after me.

"I just need some space." I said running to my car.

I couldn't get the keys out fast enough and Jack caught up to me.

"Hey I told you it's ok." He said turning me around by my arm.

"Jack please." I said taking his hand off my arm.

"Hey look at me." He said turning my face towards his.

He kissed me lightly. His lips were so soft and I could tell he was trying to comfort me.

"Whatever it is I will protect you." He said pulling me in for a hug.

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