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July 1st
I woke up very confused. I thought everything that happened might have been a dream. When I openned my eyes I was in the hospital room with Jack. I started looking around and I saw Jack's medial chart and I quickly scanned throught it. I kept reading over the same word over and over again. Coma, coma, coma, coma, I felt my heart sink and I just wanted to cry. I quickly wipped my tears and sat back down because I heard someone coming. After about 5 minutes a nurse came in.

"You're up." The nurse said walking towards Jack.

"Yea I just woke up." I said leaning up to look at Jack.

"Some people are in the lobbies waiting room and they might want to come see him but they all thought that if he woke up your face would but the first face he would want to see." She said looking at Jack's chart.

"I'll go out and see who's all there. Thank you for letting me know." I said walking out of the room.

When I got to the waiting room a lot of people were there. There were four people that I didn't know I thought that it might be Jack's family. I walked over and Jo came to talk with me. See first hugged me and wipped the tears that started to form down my face.

"How is he?" She asked.

"He's stable but the nurse didn't tell me anything but I read his chart." I said starting to cry.

"He's in a coma.A freakin coma Jo." I said breaking down.

Everyone started coming around me and it made me anxious. I quickly sat down next to a man that I figured was Jack's dad. I just looked at him.

"I'm so sorry." I said putting my head in m hands.

"It's ok it wasn't your fault. Sam should have never had tweeted what he did. By the way I'm David Jack' s dad, this is his mom Katherine, and his sisters Molly and Laura." He said pointing to each one.

"It's nice to meet you all I wish it wasn't under such bad cirumstances. And I'm Gwen."

"We know Jack has been talking about you nonstop ever since he first saw you." His sister Molly said laughing.

"Yea he really likes you." Laura said trying to cheer me up.

"You wanna know the first thing he said to me after he met you?" His mom said starting to tear up.

"What did he say?" I said turning towards her.

"He called me and said hey mom I think you would really be proud of me. And I asked him why and he said I found someone that I love and this time I think it would be someone that you would be proud to call your daughter-in-law." She said smiling and reaching to me. "And I think he was right." She said grabbing my hand.

By this time I couldn't stop crying. We only met a couple of days ago but I really do love him and would do anything for him and seeing him like this is the worst thing in the world. Jack's family really wanted to see Jack so I took them back.Walking back into the room seeing him with a breathing tube made me sick to my stomach. I walked in and sat down in the chair I woke up in. His family went all around him and they were all crying. His mom was talking to him as if he wasn't in a coma.

"We finally got a chance to meet the wonderful yound lady that you love so much." She said looking at me.

"We all love her." His dad said.

"She's definalty a keeper." Laura said.

Molly didn't say anthing she just sat there and stroked his hair. I got up and decided to wait in the waiting room.

"Where are you going?" Molly said finally.

"I figured I would give you guys some family time." I said going to leave again.

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