<New places and new faces>

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June 24th
All the finishing touches are done and ready for the babies arrival. My hospital bag is all packed and ready to go. I've had everything ready for a month now and just can't wait to be a mom. I've had so much to do and so many places to go. I've been getting fatter and fatter and think my stomach has gotten to the point where it can't stretch no more. Jack's parents will be staying in LA until the babies are born along with Jack's sisters. I've been spending so much time with Jack and his parents so that we could both learn some things about being parents from them.

Today I'm going out to lunch with Jo, Rosalee and Parker. I can barely drive because my feet are so swollen so Jo is going to drive me. When we got to the restaurant Rosalee and Parker were already there.

"Hey guys!" I said as I walked over.

"Hey Prego!" Rosalee said hugging me.

"Hey!" Parker joined in.

We all said our hellos then sat back down.

"So when is your due date?" Parker asked.

"I'm due in about a week."

"Wow I can't believe I'll be an aunt in less than a week." Jo said laughing.

"I know I can't believe I'm going to be a mom." I said rubbing my stomach.

"Not just a mom of one but two." Rosalee said laughing.

"I know I can't believe I'm having twins." I replied in disbelieve.

"We are all gonna help you though." Parker chimed in.

"And you don't know how thankful Jack and I will be for that."

"What are you guys doing tomorrow?" Jo asked.

"I'm spending the day with Taylor." Rosalee stated.

"I have a family party." Parker added.

"I have a photoshoot with Bryant." I replied.

"Oh ok I'm spending the day with Cameron." Jo said with a smirk.

"You guys going to be getting it on!" Rosalee said so loud causing us all to die laughing.

"Maybe I'm not really sure what he has planned." Jo said laughing.

"It's gonna be like some Fifty Shades of Grey shit up in that apartment." I said causing us all to laugh even harder.

"Who knows." Jo said dying of laughter.

"Hold on a minute Bryant is calling me." Jo said before walking away.

Our food came and we all started eating before Jo came back.

"What did Bryant want?" I asked.

"You will never believe it!" Jo said excitedly.

"Tell us!!" Rosalee yelled causing people to stare.

"I am up for a new position as a Victoria secret angel!"

"Are you serious?" Rosalee said almost choking on her food.


"Jo that is amazing!" I said hugging her.

"How?" Parker asked.

"Bryant's friend works for Victoria secret and Bryant showed him some of my photo shoot pictures and he loves me so Bryant is going to shoot some more tomorrow after Gwen's shoot!"

"Jo that is huge!" Parker said in amazement.

"I'm so excited I can't wait to tell Cameron."

"He is going to be so happy for you!" Rosalee said.

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