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Jack stormed away but I didn't follow him. I could care less about him right now because of everything he put Gwen through. But of course Cameron tried to be the good guy and run after him. While I was sitting there I decided to text Gwen.

Me: hey

No answer.

Me: hey

Again no answer.

Me: Gwen you are scaring me.

Again no answer by this time I got really worried. I text her 15 times and she hasn't answered me. I quickly got up and ran to my car. People were running after me and yelling at me but I didn't stop I just kept going. When I got to my car I went straight to my house where I left Gwen. When I got there I ran right up to the door and heard yelling which scared the shit out of me. I quickly got the door open and ran in to see Gwen sitting on one couch crying and Jack on the other with his head in his hands.

"What? What happened? Are the babies ok? Are you ok?" I was basically yelling at her because I was terrified.

"The babies are fine. Jack and I were just talking." Gwen said smiling an all to familiar fake smile.

Right before I was going to speak she got up and ran to the bathroom.

"What the hell did you do to her! I swear I will kill you Jack...KILL YOU!" I said running to her.

"Gwen please let me in!" I yelled through the door.

"I just need some time to myself." She said sobbing.

"I'm here ok. Don't hurt yourself." I said sitting outside the door.

"Ok." She said still crying.

Over the next 4 hours there was so much yelling between the guys and Jack which made Gwen feel worse. It was 11:30 at night when it hit me that Gwen and I hid a key to the bathroom for emergencies. I ran to the secret spot and found the key. I unlocked the door and found Gwen sleeping on the bathroom floor. Sammy came in and picked her up and brought her to her bed. I covered her and stayed with her for a bit then headed to my room with Cameron. We were all taking turns watching over her just in case. It was 3 in the morning when it was my turn. When I got outside her door I heard her calling someone.

"Gwen are you ok?" I asked walking in.

"Yea I'll be right back." She said pushing passed me.

"Ok." I said watching her walk away.


Even tho I wasn't on good terms with most of the guys I stayed over at Gwen and Jo's place so I could make sure Gwen was ok. It was like 2:45-3 ish in the morning when I saw Gwen walk down the stairs.

"Hey Jack?" She called from the bottom step.

"Yea Gwen?"

"Can you come lay with me? Please?" She asked rubbing her eyes.

"Yea sure." I said getting up.

I walked over to her and she hugged me. It was a well needed hug for the both of us and this hug felt so good and warm I didn't want to let go. We walked with our fingers intertwined all the way to her room.

"Jack is gonna lay with me." Gwen said to Jo as we walked into her room.

"Ok have fun but not too much fun." Jo said walking to her room.

Gwen laid down and patted the bed motioning me to come lay with her.

"Can we do it like we used too? When you would take off your shirt and let me wear it too bed and then during the night when I would get cold you would put your sweatshirt on me. And when I couldn't sleep you would rub my back and play with my hair. Can we do that? I really miss it." She said like a little kid. It was so fucking adorable and I missed it too like a lot.

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