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TW: mentions of violence

They both got a glass wine, as it was legal in the Netherlands (alcohol laws made sense just about anywhere but the U.S.). "To new beginnings," Cas toasted. Jamie clinked his glass with Cas's.

"To the continuation of old stories," Jamie smiled.

"Yours is better," Cas said with a grin.

"I agree," Jamie laughed.

The dinner went as expected - order the food, eat it, chat about mindless things. Then came the moment of truth. Who was the waiter going to hand the bill to? The man stood in front of them awkwardly, as though wondering who would be less offended if the bill was to be handed to the other. At last, he settled upon putting it down between them. Cas stared at it. Jamie stared at it. Both made a grab at the same time, though Cas returned from this endeavor triumphant. He paid, and the waiter disappeared into the far reaches of the restaurant.

"He didn't hand the bill to you," Jamie pointed out. "You just snatched it first."

Cas frowned. "I suppose." Then he gave a gleeful smile. "He didn't hand it to you, though!" Jamie rolled his eyes. "I thought he was going to. Perhaps the silk makes you look like a bottom."

"He probably didn't put that much thought into it," Jamie pointed out.

"Still!" Cas grinned, looking very pleased with himself.

"I think people assume we're switches," Jamie told Cas.

"They're not wrong," Cas shrugged.

Jamie smirked. "Sure Mr. Vers Bottom."

Cas stuck out his tongue at Jamie. Jamie's mind briefly wandered to all the places that tongue had been. "Let me have my glory, jeez," Cas pushed him lightly as they stood up from the table. They got back to the room, and Cas insisted on taking a bubble bath (When else am I going to get to take one?!). Jamie sat on the bed, only clothed from the waist down - having dropped the shirt by the door. After a while, he grew bored of scrolling through his Instagram feed. Jamie set down his phone, standing up. He stretched, then walked into the bathroom.

"It's so relaxing," Cas said as Jamie stepped in, shutting the door so as to preserve the steamy nature of the room. Jamie reached out and tugged on one of Cas's wet curls. Cas snatched his hand, pressing his lips to each of Jamie's fingertips in turn. "Wanna get in?" Cas asked, raising his eyebrows suggestively. Jamie shook his head. "Pleeeeeease?"

Jamie sighed. "Fine." He stripped out of his clothes as Cas dipped below the surface, and stepped in. It was warm - not scaldingly so, but just hot enough to make you reminisce of winter evenings spent by the fire, and nights curled up in someone's arms.

"I told you it was relaxing," Cas said as Jamie let out a content sigh.

"It is," Jamie agreed. Cas pulled him closer, trailing his fingers down Jamie's arm, lips brushing everywhere in their wake. Was Jamie ready for this? Or was it too soon? The fact that he was thinking about the inevitable in such a sense was no doubt an indicator that they should wait. "Cas," Jamie said, interrupting Cas's mindless kissing.


"You said you'd tell me more," he reminded Cas. Cas stiffened, then sat up straight, blowing out a long breath.

"Yeah." He glanced down at the bubbly surface of the water. "Okay." Cas inhaled deeply. "Um... I told you that my father was terrible, right?" Jamie nodded slowly. Cas pressed his eyes closed, then opened them, then closed them again, as though unable to decide which would be best. "Can we get dressed and talk out there?" he asked, swallowing.

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