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Every second since landing in New Jersey had been excruciating for Cas. He counted down the days to the wedding with overwhelming anxiety and pain. Ten days until his life would be altered forever. Nine. Eight. The bachelor party was held, a night of drinks at one of the local bars. Seven. Cas spent the afternoon hiking on an old trail with Lina. He had been there once before with Jamie, on one of their Saturday afternoon dates.

"I hate hiking," Cas grumbled as they got out of the car.

"It'll be fun, trust me," Jamie had grinned. He had looped his arm through Cas, sticking an earbud in Cas's ear and one in his own, and turned on a song by Elton John.

Jamie had sung along to his playlist the whole way up the trail, pausing only to skip songs that he didn't like. "This one's awful," Jamie said more than a few times, wrinkling his nose. "Skip!"

They had reached the end of the trail by midafternoon, and Cas had to admit that it had been fairly fun, despite his hatred of hiking. "It was actually kind of nice," Cas said as they hiked back to the car.

Jamie grinned. "Told you so."

It was five days until the wedding when Cas couldn't do it anymore. He was half drunk on wine that evening as he crossed the boundary between his and Jamie's houses. Lina was out with Riya and her friends tonight, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas on a double date with some university faculty. That meant Jamie would be home alone.

Throughout their childhood and early adolescence, Cas had lived for the days Jamie was home alone. He would walk in through the (often dangerously unlocked) front door, greet Jamie with a long kiss in the entryway. On one such night, Cas had knocked on the door, a rose he had picked on the way over clutched in his hand.

The door swung open. Jamie stood in the doorway, a half smile on his face. "Hey you," Jamie grinned.

"Hey," Cas said (a little breathlessly), trying to ignore how Jamie's t-shirt clung to his body.

"Who's the flower for?" Jamie teased, pointing at the rose.

Cas stepped into the hall, regaining his composure slightly. "For me," he replied sarcastically.

Jamie shut the door with one hand, stepping closer so that Cas's back was pressed against it. "I'm sure it is," Jamie said, sounding unconvinced.

Cas's fingers curled in the front of Jamie's shirt, pulling Jamie's mouth to his. When Jamie tugged away, the green of his irises was almost gone. "Happy kiss anniversary," Cas said, holding up the rose in the little space between them.

Jamie laughed fondly, wrapping his arms around Cas and crushing the flower in the process. Cas didn't mind it. "Happy kiss anniversary," he replied.

As Cas stumbled towards the front door of Jamie's house five days before he was set to marry the other boy's sister, however, he had the brief but painful realization that it was very unlikely Jamie had changed his mind. They were over, Cas had to remember, and he had used up all his chances. The wine in his system was urging him to knock, though, so he did. It took a few moments, but a half-dressed Jamie opened the door. The sight made Cas's heart skip a beat.

"Cas?" Jamie raised his eyebrows.

Someone stepped up behind Jamie. He was beautiful, with dark hair and mocha-colored skin. "Who's this?" the guy asked. Cas briefly noticed that he, too, was half-naked.

Cas's eyes widened. What had he just walked in on? "My sister's fiancée," Jamie replied, sounding vaguely unsettled.

"I'm drunk," Cas blurted, because he didn't know what else to say.

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