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The entire month of August was absolute shit for a boy named Jamie Douglas (though he could scarcely be called a boy anymore). He had certainly experienced worse periods of time in his life (despite dramatically proclaiming to his sister, Riya, over the phone that August trounced all other months in terms of overall suckiness) but as Jamie flipped up to September on his calendar, he breathed the greatest sigh of relief. September was going to be better, he was sure of it.

It wasn't too much of an exaggeration to say that August had been worse than dumpster diving with your mouth open. After all, Jamie's father-in-law had passed away, Jamie had been forced to move across the ocean, and his husband and cat were in the middle of a very heated fight. Jamie spared the hissing creature (who had been in bad spirits ever since the dispute began) a sigh as he stepped into the high-windowed library.

"You're late," Cas grumbled as Jamie handed him an espresso-filled mug, taking a sip of his own latte while he did so.

Jamie rolled his eyes. "A 'thank you' would be nice."

Cas smiled apologetically. "Purrnest put me in a bad mood."

"You guys should really settle your issue soon," Jamie told Cas, squeezing onto the window seat (which Cas had paid a rather hefty sum to have installed) beside him.

Cas wrapped his free arm around Jamie. "It's not my fault that he's jealous of Jay Catsby," Jamie rolled his eyes internally at the name, "and Esquire." The Genetta teacup cat known as Esquire stepped daintily across Cas's lap and into Jamie's. Jay Catsby (a Norwegian Forest cat) was glaring at Purrnest from a corner. Jamie desperately wished he could go back in time and name the two animals himself.

Jamie laughed. "If you didn't show preferential treatment to Jay and Esquire, Purrnest wouldn't be mad."

Cas scoffed. "He hates me either way. I might as well spend time with the cats that actually like me."

"You know, we're going to be late for the plane at this rate. We haven't even packed," Jamie reminded him.

"You've gotten to be such a schedule-follower over the years," Cas said, poking him in the side.

Jamie grinned, poking him right back. "Thank god I have, or else we'd be late to everything."

"You've got me there," Cas grinned. "Well we'd better set to packing then." He wrinkled his nose in distaste at the idea. Cas stood up, offering Jamie a hand. Sunlight glinted off of the platinum band on Jamie's finger as Cas pulled him to his feet.

"It'll be crazy to go back and see everyone," Jamie said. "How much do you wanna bet that May will swear at the altar?"

"I'd bet a lot of money on that," Cas said, chuckling. "We haven't seen her in five years." Cas looked thoughtful.

Jamie hummed in agreement. "Fifteen years since we went on that trip together," Jamie said a little wistfully.

Cas pulled Jamie close, one hand sliding up under Jamie's shirt. "You're still really hot."

"You're so inappropriate," Jamie said with a snort, smacking Cas's hand away. Jamie's pink cheeks took away some of his credibility. Jamie jerked his head at Purrnest, who was staring at them in distaste. "Not in front of the cats."

Cas let out a melodic laugh. "I apologize for my roguish behavior," he said, raising his hands in surrender. "Though you seem to enjoy it," Cas lowered his voice to a whisper, "in the bedroom." He gave a suggestive wink, and Jamie pushed him playfully.

"Let's go, idiot," Jamie laughed, dragging Cas towards their bedroom. Open luggage was strewn across the floor. Jamie sighed at the sight. "If you pack for both of us, what do I owe you?"

"A really good kiss," Cas said, grinning wickedly. "But you have to keep trying until it's up to par."

"Well I've been told that I'm a really good kisser," Jamie replied. Jamie tugged Cas to him by the waist, bringing their lips together. Not for the first time in the last ten years, Jamie found himself increasingly grateful that fate had handed him and Cas one last chance. Sure, there had been some royal screw-ups along the way, but the pure misery of the five years without one another had caused them to stick it out in the end. They were happy now, Jamie could say that with full certainty. Perhaps real life had, in fact, thrown a bit of a sappy love story Jamie's way. And as to being fucked in the asshole, well, (though Jamie would be caught dead admitting it) like wine, it had simply gotten better with age.

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