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For one of Cas's birthdays, Lilyanne (out of the hospital briefly) had insisted on sending them horseback riding.

"I did it when I was your age," she told them when Cas protested. Jamie thought it sounded rather fun. "You can use the house in Maine and ride out from there." Lilyanne dropped the keys into Cas's hands. "It's yours for the week." (They were on break for Presidents' Week.) Cas obviously wasn't about to reject a week alone in a house with Jamie, so they had gone.

Henry dropped them off on the gravel front path a few days later. The spot was picturesque, with long grasses and a house situated on the bluffs overlooking the sea. A lighthouse stood on the next property, and a jolly family of four lived in it. "The horses will be here in two days, according to my mom," Cas informed Jamie with a sparkle in his eyes. "I have a few ideas as to how we can spend tomorrow."

Jamie had assisted Cas in cooking macaroni for dinner. In all honesty, he was more hindrance than help, but it was fun all the same. "Wanna taste the cheese before I put it on the macaroni?" Cas asked, holding up a cheesy spoon.

"Yes please," Jamie replied, grabbing the spoon and taking a lick. He sighed happily. "That's delicious."

Cas took the spoon, licking the remaining cheese off. "Wow, it is."

"I'm impressed with your cooking skills," Jamie told Cas with a grin.

"It's literally melted cheese, Jamie," Cas said, rolling his eyes. "I don't think even you could mess that up."

Jamie laughed. "Wanna bet?"

Cas considered this. "No," he replied. "I'm pretty sure I'd lose." Cas flashed a grin. "Can you get some plates out or whatever?" Cas asked, waving a hand. Purrnest, who had been brought along much to Cas's dismay, jumped up onto the counter beside the stove. Cas shot Jamie an alarmed glance. "Get him out of here. We don't want cat hair in the macaroni."

Jamie chuckled. "We also don't want him to get burnt."

Cas glared at the cat. "I doubt that he'd burn, since he was almost certainly Satan's pet cat in his last life."

"Well you must be really annoying then if he could put up with Satan, but not with you," Jamie replied with a grin. Cas swatted at him with the spoon. Jamie picked up Purrnest, bringing him into the living room. The television was running, some reruns of Friends (which was suddenly popular again) playing. The vintage record player that sat on the glass coffee table was playing an old Frank Sinatra song. It was all very movie-like. Jamie could imagine a couple dancing in the living room as the screen faded to black and the credits rolled.

Jamie returned to the kitchen, getting down two plates and glasses for them. "Will Purrnest eat out of one of your mom's pretty bowls?" Jamie asked, holding up a delicate, decorated porcelain bowl.

Cas frowned. "I don't know, what do you think he should eat out of?" Cas grinned. "We could just starve him."

"Animal abuse," Jamie said, shaking his head in mock-disappointment. "I thought you were a better person than that."

"He's intruding on my week with you!" Cas protested.

"So killing him is the solution?" Jamie asked skeptically.

Cas huffed, crossing his arms over his chest. "I don't actually want to kill him, you know."

Jamie smiled. "I know."

"What do you propose we feed him out of?" Cas asked.

"The bowl's fine, I guess," Jamie shrugged. "What else can we do?"

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