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"He's pretty great," Cas added.

"I'm glad you think so," Riya snorted. "I find him annoying at times. You're annoying too."

"You find everyone annoying," Cas shot back. "Maybe I'm annoying, but Jamie's not."

Riya chuckled. "Relax, Cas." Cas sniffed. Riya sat up, legs dangling over the edge of Jamie's bed. "That was all I wanted to say, I think. Don't hurt Jamie, don't break his heart..." Riya trailed off, trying to remember what else she was supposed to say. "Oh! And be safe during sex." Cas's cheeks turned red. Riya laughed. "It's bound to happen sooner or later." Her gaze caught on their t-shirts, cast carelessly onto the floor, and Riya smirked. "Probably sooner rather than later." Cas coughed awkwardly. "I'm going to go now, but bear in mind what I say." She narrowed her eyes at him. "You do like him, right? This isn't some sort of sick joke?"

"Of course I do," Cas said, then paused, considering whether or not to go on. Riya waited expectantly. "I think," Cas began carefully, "that I might be..." Riya's dark gaze held him in place. She raised her eyebrows. "in love with him?" It came out as a question, even though Cas was almost certain of the validity of his statement. The thought had hovered in his mind for some time, though he'd never dared say it aloud. Now, though, having confessed it to Riya, it felt real. It felt right.

Riya looked surprised. "Are you... Are you sure?"

Cas nodded slowly. "I think I am..." Cas smiled. "He's my forever, I think. Endgame, soulmates, whatever you want to call it." Cas waved a hand vaguely.

Riya exhaled. "Wow. Have you told him?"

Cas shook his head. "No."

"Well then," Riya said, standing up. "This was productive."

"Yeah," Cas said, swallowing. "It was."

"I guess I don't have to worry about you breaking Jamie's heart for now, then, right?" Riya asked with a small smile.

Cas smiled back. "Yeah."

"Safe sex, though, don't forget about that," Riya said, awkwardly finger-gunning Cas as she slipped out of the room.
Jamie poked his head in a few minutes after Riya left. He stepped into the room, locking the door (as was protocol) behind him. "What did she say?" Jamie asked nervously.

Cas grinned, standing up and wrapping his arms around Jamie, ignoring the way his heart fluttered as he remembered what he had told Riya. "Just the usual bullcrap - don't break your heart or she'll break me, et cetera."

Jamie smiled into Cas's shoulder. "Ugh, she's so embarrassing."

"Also safe sex," Cas remembered.

"Oh my god!" Jamie pulled back to smack his head. His cheeks were red. Cas thought it was adorable. Cas kissed him on the forehead. Jamie pressed his face into Cas's neck, sighing.

"Relax. It's fine," Cas assured Jamie. "I wish I had family who cared enough about me to do that."

Jamie peeked up at him. "You don't need that, you've got me."

"Are you saying we're family?" Cas teased. "'Cause you know what that would mean."

Jamie rolled his eyes. "Chosen family now," Jamie said, grabbing Cas's hands from his waist and lacing their fingers together. "Maybe official family someday."

"Maybe?" Cas repeated jokingly.

Jamie rolled his eyes. "My cheesiness only extends to some point."

Cas smiled. "I think your statement would be just as true without the 'maybe.'"

Jamie smirked. "Is that your way of telling me you want to marry me someday."

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