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Cas rolled his eyes. "That was your golden opportunity to sleep with a girl."

Jules put a hand over his heart in mock-hurt. "It's half past ten in the morning, Cas! What do you take me for, a barbarian?"

Cas laughed. "Something like that."

Jules smiled. "You've laughed more today than you have all week." Cas was quiet, and Jules's smile faded slightly. "Loosen up, Cas. Have some fun once in a while."

"And how do you propose I do that?" Cas asked.

Jules's eyes dropped to Cas's lips and lingered there for far longer than what was platonic. "I've got a couple ideas." Cas stared at him. Jules leaned over to him, so close that Cas could smell his alcohol-filled breath.

"Jules," Cas said, placing a hand on Jules's chest with an apologetic half-smile. Jules paused. "Maybe when I'm drunker."

Jules tipped his head back and laughed, moving away. "Looks like Amelie's not the only picky one."

Cas rolled his eyes. "I'd hardly call not kissing you picky."

Jules gasped dramatically. "You're too cruel! My ego will be forever sliced in two."

"It's still too big," Cas replied with a grin.

"You know what else is big?" Jules asked with a smirk.

Cas groaned. "Shut up, Jules."

"I wasn't gonna say 'my dick,'" Jules protested. "You think so little of me!"

"What were you going to say, then?" Cas asked, half sighing.

"My inheritance," Jules replied, wiggling his eyebrows. "That always seems to draw people in."

Cas laughed. "No doubt it does."

"You're pretty rich though," Jules pointed out. "So if you kiss me, it won't be for my money."

"If I kiss you, you should check me into a mental hospital immediately," Cas said, making a face.

Jules punched him lightly in the shoulder. "Ouch, Cas, that one hurt."

"I deeply apologize," Cas said sarcastically.

"I accept your half-assed apology," Jules said with a sniff. "You're welcome."

The rest of the day was spent in a similar back-and-forth fashion, with several breaks for food, drinks, and cigarettes. Cas's vision was blurring by the time dinner had come and gone. He had spent several hours nursing a drink and thinking mournfully of the last boy who had dared hit on him (Jamie). But what was the use in holding onto the idea of him and Jamie? As much as Cas was convinced they were soulmates, the fact was that he was never getting Jamie back. So why wait, if it's never going to happen? asked a voice in Cas's head. Jules is fun and attractive and, most importantly, he actually wants you. This was all true.

Cas caught a glimpse of the boy across the room. He was pressed up against the wall in a corner, arms wrapped around the girl from earlier. Cas made his way over to Jules, swaying as he walked. "Cas," came Jules's voice. A hand latched around his bicep, steadying him. Cas hadn't even realized that he had reached the corner.

"Jules," he said, fingers tangling in Jules's sleeve. He tugged on it. "Come with me." He vaguely heard Jules apologize to the girl. Cas pulled him down the hall and into an empty bedroom, shutting the door.

"Cas?" Jules asked. Cas could vaguely make out Jules's worried expression. "What's going--" Cas crushed their lips together, pushing Jules against the closed door. "Cas," Jules said, pushing him gently away. Jules swore, taking in Cas's appearance. "You're so drunk."

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