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As it so happened, Jamie took it upon himself to surprise Cas that evening. "We're going to sleep in an actual bed again tonight," Jamie said with a smile as the bus abruptly stopped, lurching forward and nearly giving everyone onboard a bad case of whiplash. They had driven the half hour to Amsterdam again for the sole purpose of seeing the Van Gogh Museum the following day.

Cas's eyes shot up from his book. "For real?"

"Yep," Jamie replied.

"I have a feeling we won't be doing much sleeping," Cas said with a suggestive raise of his eyebrows as people began to file out of the bus.

Jamie flushed. "Be quiet."

Cas smirked. "Enjoy the silence while it lasts. Tonight I'm going to be scr--" Jamie covered Cas's mouth with his hand before Cas could finish. Cas laughed, and Jamie pulled his hand away. "Now who's the prude?"

Jamie smacked him in the arm. "Not me," he protested.

"It's a joke, not a dick, don't take it so hard," Cas snickered. Even Jamie had to laugh at this.

They stepped down from the bus, walking in silence to the hotel Jamie had picked out (thanks, Tripadvisor). At some point, Jamie slid his hand into Cas's, smiling a little when Cas squeezed it. "We're here," Jamie announced.

Cas whistled, looking up at the fancy building. "This is going to cost a pretty penny." He grinned. "Good thing I'm rich again."

Jamie rolled his eyes, smiling a little. "You need to tell my parents how you do it."

Cas's lips twisted in a secretive smile. "Why don't I tell you at dinner?"

Jamie raised his eyebrows. "Okay."

They took the elevator up to their room. It was empty when they stepped on, but crowded by the time they reached their floor. Jamie and Cas were squished into one corner, their suitcases on the ground next to them. Cas's arm snaked around Jamie's waist, pulling him flush up against Cas's body as another group of people stepped onto the packed elevator. This clearly was a popular hotel. The elevator stopped on the floor below theirs. All of the people trickled out, leaving Jamie and Cas alone. Jamie could hear the faint sound of music. There must've been some kind of party going on. The doors closed, but Cas made no move to pull away from Jamie.

Jamie smirked. "You can let go of me now."

"What if I don't want to?" Cas asked, his breath ghosting across Jamie's neck.

Jamie shivered involuntarily, hating himself for it as Cas grinned. "Jeez Cas, I'm not into the whole toxic rich boy Wattpad thing."

Cas laughed, releasing him. "Come on," he said as the doors opened. They stepped out onto a fancy-looking carpeted floor. Jamie unlocked the door to their room with the room key, and they walked inside.

"Wow," Jamie said, looking around at the well-furnished room in slight wonderment. "This is awesome."

"I love fancy hotels," Cas said with a dreamy sigh, flopping down on an armchair.

"Do you want to shower first?" Jamie asked.

"Sure," Cas replied with a shrug.

Jamie heard the water turn on a few moments after Cas stepped into the bathroom. He pulled his phone out of his suitcase and turned it on. There were a few missed calls from Mikey, and Jamie felt a pang of guilt in his gut. He still hadn't had a chance to break things off. But he'd do it later. There was no harm in waiting a few more days, right? And after everything Jamie had gone through with Cas in the past, if he did find out, Jamie would obviously be forgiven. There was no harm in this, as long as he didn't talk to Mikey for the rest of the trip. Then he could say in good conscience that he wasn't cheating or messing around with anyone he wasn't supposed to. A text notification caught Jamie's eye, and he opened it.

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