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The music started, and Jamie tossed Cas one of the microphones. May leaned back on her elbows, looking amused as Jamie flipped nonexistent hair off of his shoulder and closed his eyes, psyching himself up. It was safe to say that Jamie very much enjoyed karaoke. He was what one could call a karaoke legend at his high school. Anyhow, he had a lot of fun with it. And he wasn't a terrible singer, either.

Jamie's eyes popped open as the first line came on. "Baby can't you see," he sang dramatically. "I'm calling," he snapped his head sideways and back again. Cas snorted. "A guy like you should wear a warning..." Jamie trailed his fingers down Cas's arm, trying desperately to hold back his laughter. "It's dangerous, I'm falling!" The music played loudly from the little karaoke machine.

The next line came on, and Jamie elbowed Cas. "Oh!" Cas said, eyes widening as he realized it was his turn to sing. Luckily, this was one of the few songs that he actually knew the tune of. "There's no escape, I can't wait," he sang just as dramatically as Jamie. Cas was blessed enough to be on-key as well. "I need a hit, baby, give me it." He swayed to the side, leaning against Jamie a little. "You're dangerous, I'm loving it."

"Too high, can't come down," they half-sang, half-screeched together (it was a very high pitched line). "Losing my head, spinning round and round. Do you feel me now?"

"With the taste of your lips, I'm on a ride," Jamie sang. "You're toxic, I'm slippin' under."

"With a taste of a poison paradise," Cas chorused back. "I'm addicted to you, don't you know that you're toxic?"

"And I love what you do, don't you know that you're toxic?"

This whole ordeal went on for a good two minutes longer before the song was finally over. Jamie laughed, putting an arm around Cas as they plopped down onto the cool grass. "That was fun."

"Definitely," Cas agreed. Jamie hummed the tune, which would remain stuck in his head for hours. "You're toxic, I'm slippin' under," Cas sang quietly. Jamie turned, capturing Cas's lips in a slow, long kiss. Cas's hand found the nape of Jamie's neck, and Jamie's fingers slipped just under the hem of Cas's t-shirt.

"Jesus fucking Christ, you don't have to have sex in front of us," May grumbled.

Jamie turned to glare briefly at her. "Oh come on!"

Cas only laughed, flopping onto his back and tugging Jamie down against his chest. Jamie could feel Cas's heart beating (slightly faster than usual). They lay like that for a while as other people sang and both the fire and the chatter slowly petered out. "Goodnight, Jamie," Cas whispered.

"Goodnight, Cas," Jamie whispered back. This time when he kissed Cas, there was no one awake to interrupt. They didn't have sex (that would've been rather unsanitary, considering that they were, in fact, in a field), but Jamie fell asleep happier (if that was possible) than he would've been if they had. Because he was falling asleep on top of Cas, and, in the end, that was enough.

May woke them all up early the next morning by banging loudly on a pan. Nobody knew where the pan came from, or how May obtained it, but the loud noise worked like a charm. "Sorry that you didn't get your beauty sleep," May said sarcastically as Cas groaned. "It's our second-to-last day of traveling, so you bitches better be awake." She glanced at the children, who were staring wide-eyed at her. "Sorry, buddies," she corrected.

"Where are we going today?" Jamie wondered aloud, sitting up and scrubbing a hand over his face.

"We're going to watch the sunrise someplace," May said vaguely.

"The sun hasn't even risen yet?!" Cas exclaimed.

"No, I just said that we're going to watch it," May rolled her eyes. "Get in the bus."

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