Chapter 31: Nostalgia

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Kakashi sighed as he turned the page in his most recently gifted novel, courtesy of Tsunade. He knew that taking care of Naruto was going to be a lot of work, but there were some things that just weren't adding up.

'Naruto shouldn't be this...normal?' Kakashi couldn't help but think this every time he interacted with the boy. Sure, he had his nightmares, but everything else about their routine was so mundane and organized.

He glanced out the window; the sun was just touching the horizon. Kakashi wasn't quite ready to face the day, but he knew that it was a sacrifice he had to make in order to help Naruto heal.

Lost in his own thoughts, Kakashi did not even realize that it was time for Tsunade to come in and start Naruto's medications. She ran his IV fluids and pushed some medication through his feeding tube, ensuring that he would have enough nutrients to get him through the day.

At the feeling of a slight pressure in his abdomen, Naruto grumped and slowly opened his eyes.

"Good morning Naruto" Kakashi said with a slight grin. He knew what was coming before Naruto rubbed his eyes and focused on the small basket that his sensei held in his hands.

"Picnic?" Naruto asked, suddenly much more awake.

Kakashi's eye smiled at the boy's antics. "Yes, Naruto, as soon as we get you ready."

"Well then what are we waiting for!?" Naruto practically screamed while making a grabbing motion towards the toothbrush on his nightstand.

Sasuke and Sakura stood in the doorway with a squirmy Iruka. It's not that their former teacher was upset about their plans for the day, it was quite the opposite really, he just wasn't sure that they were ready for such a big step. As much as he wanted to be there for Naruto, he had a class to teach, and as a result settled for leaving the team some homemade rice balls for their picnic. He was snapped out of his troubled thoughts by a minuscule nod from Kakashi, signaling to them that it was time to go and set up.

By the time Naruto was fully prepared, the pit in Kakashi's stomach had turned into a cavern. Despite his uncertainties, he pushed the emptiness away and filled his mind with thoughts of his smiling students. With everything in place, Tsunade wished the duo luck and helped lift Naruto into Kakashi's arms. Satisfied with his position, the blond reached out towards the picnic basket, which Tsunade grabbed and set in his lap. With that, the Hokage promptly left the room and went on with her work for the day.

The walk to the lake was brief but pleasant. Naruto asked Kakashi innocent questions and begged for recounts of his squad days, and his sensei softly answered him. Once they finally arrived in their designated location, Naruto beamed with happiness and started clapping.

"Sakura! It's been forever! How ya been?" But before the young kunoichi had time to answer Naruto interrupted himself. "Hey! Why haven't I seen you around!?"

Kakashi internally cringed at the loud tone that Naruto suddenly decided to adopt again. Instead of focusing on his bantering, he counted all of the ANBU he could find. Some hidden in trees, some underground, and some in plain sight. He silently hummed in approval.

"Sorry, Naruto, Tsunade and Shizune have kept me busy at the hospital. I'm really glad I caught a break today though!" Sakura said happily. And Kakashi knew that couldn't be more true. With all of the injured ANBU, Tsunade needed someone she could put her trust in, and her young disciple had certainly had her hands full.

The pleasantries continued and eventually the food came out. Everyone was cautiously optimistic when Naruto showed a curious interest in what was packed. Kakashi grabbed a rice ball and plopped it in his mouth, pleasantry surprised with how good it was. The others followed, and after what seemed like an eternity, Naruto began to nibble on his meal as well. Whatever tension had built up in anticipation to this moment was released, and everyone became much more comfortable. Naruto felt this too, and began to let loose even more. He ate his entire rice ball and even some peach slices that Sakura had cut from her tree earlier that morning.

Although there was no lull in the conversation, Naruto eventually grew quieter. Kakashi noticed this, but could tell from the boy's face that he was content. Before long, the team's eyes were brought to Naruto, who was lightly snoring on the grass. The jounin smiled fondly at the boy; memories of Obito flashing through his mind. After losing his father, Kakashi did not understand why Minato-sensei had made them go on so many picnics and "team dates", as Obito would call them, but he now realized that his sensei was attempting to give him a family again.

The bitter nostalgia was flooding through Kakashi's system when he was cut abruptly from his thoughts by a putrid hacking sound. Immediately, he grabbed Naruto's shoulders for support in order to prevent the boy from falling into his own vomit.

"Maybe eating this much wasn't a great idea..." the blond said miserably.

"Hm. Just give it time, Naruto. Your body isn't very used to food right now, so it was just a little surprised, that's all. Think of it as if the food decided to sneak attack your stomach" Kakashi responded nonchalantly.

The boy couldn't do anything except groan and close his eyes. The other two genin took this as a sign to begin packing up, and Kakashi decided that now was a good time to scoop the blond back into his arms and bring him to bed.

Once they arrived at the hospital and Kakashi gently set Naruto down, the boy quietly said "Thank you, for today".

Kakashi only smiled in return. He hoped that he could give the boy a family, just like Minato had when he needed it most.

Author's Note:
Hi! I hope that everyone is doing good :) I've been a little lonely so if anyone wants to be friends we can!
Please let me know if you liked this chapter, and soon Naruto will move in with Kakashi!

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