Chapter 30: Steps

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Tsunade needed a break. She had been up for hours, researching chakra and desperately trying to make a tangible plan. But there was too much going on, too many threats, too many missions, too many responsibilities. She sighed and looked at the clock. Closing her book, she spoke.

"Jiraya, it's time to head to the hospital" she said to the man across the room. He nodded and set down his pen, putting a lid on the small jar of ink at his side. They both stood up and walked out of the office together.


Kakashi sighed and looked at the clock. Naruto had been asleep for a few hours now and had failed to eat breakfast. The jonin decided to gently lift up the boys shirt and screw a tube into the port in his stomach. He then connected a nutrient pack to the tube, making sure to place it with care so it would not pull on the sleeping figure. He did not want to return to his apartment, but knew that he needed to for Naruto's sake. He imagined it hurt the blond to see his sensei so tired and disheveled, hair drooping at his sides with a slight shine of grease at his roots, eye bag prominent over the few inches of revealed skin on his face. He knew that Naruto felt guilty about the jonin's state, but truly wished he didn't. The boy still couldn't comprehend that none of this was his fault, and that was the one thing Kakashi hated the most.

The ninja was pulled from his thoughts when two figures walked through the door.

"How's be been doing?" Tsunade asked curiously.

"Last night went surprisingly well, no nightmares. This morning he told me that he wants to go out for a picnic" Kakashi replied nonchalantly, waiting to see their responses. The last time Naruto went outside, he was met with a bitter surprise.

The woman stopped for a moment. "As in...leaving the hospital.." she slowly understood the implications of Kakashi's statement. Her expression then shifted to one of great happiness, though she quickly concealed it by morphing her smile into a slight grin. "Very well then, I believe that could be arranged as soon as this Sunday".

Another voice cut in. "Do we have enough ANBU to protect him out in the open like that?" The frog sage asked inquisitively.

"Of course we do, we have at least one squad guarding the room at all times" Tsunade replied. She decided to shift her focus, satisfied with the subject. "Has he eaten anything today?"

"No, but when Saskue brought him some soup this morning he didn't show any signs of discomfort" he replied cheerfully.

"I think it would be best if we woke him up now, we have lots to try out today" the Hokage said with a tinge if solemnity in her features, not wanting to disturb the boy.

Kakashi only nodded and set his hand on Naruto's head, which caused him to flinch in his sleep. The jonin then decided to run his fingers through his hair a few times, glad he had gotten all of the knots out this morning. "Hey, we know where we are, we know we're safe, why don't we open our eyes and see for ourselves" he said while continuing to run his gloved hands through the boy's hair.

Naruto's eyes fluttered open and landed on Kakashi. Having appreciated the calming motion, he looked up at his sensei and smiled for a few minutes, appreciating the sensation of the cool fingers running through his scalp. Finally, Kakashi spoke.

"Naruto, we have some visitors here. Is it okay if they talk to you?" Kakashi said, realizing that Tsunade needed to get started soon.

Upon realizing who was in the room, he nodded and scooted up in his bed as a way to address them.

"Good afternoon, Naruto, we were wondering if we could work with you a little bit?" Tsunade asked

The boy nodded again, slightly more hesitant. He was more comfortable just laying with Kakashi all day, but he knew that this was necessary for his recovery.

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