24: Slow and Steady

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Haha, you guys are lucky, this is gonna be a 2 part chapter ❤

Part 1-

Iruka POV:

I walked into the room, expecting either the weak face and glazed eyes of the child staring back at me, or a pained look on his sleeping face.

He was sleeping, I sighed in relieve and smiled lightly. Tsunade told me that this week was a bad week for his sleeping compared to the last few, but she said it was expected due to the circumstances.

I hear the faint sound of a page turning and turn to the window. Kakashi is there, of course, he's always there. Except, he no longer has that orange book, it was instead replaced with a navy blue book, the kanji for 'Understanding Post Traumatic Stress" on the front.

I began getting lost in my thoughts. I was never there for him. I didn't even protect him. I didn't even hear the bedsheets rustle and the steady breathing coming from the bed quicken.

"H-Hel-lo 'Ruka" I heard the thin figure on the bed stuttered out.

"Good morning, Naruto! How are we this morning?"

I got a crooked smile in return

"Tsunade wants to run a few tests today, then she wants to try to get you to eat something."

I got what a expected, a furrowed brow and a frown in return, a face of pouting and thinking. If it were any other circumstance, the chunin would have hugged the small figure and told him that he could just stay there and sleep all day and listen to Iruka's comforting words. But it had been two months now, and Naruto was getting unhealthy underweight and pale. His IV had been giving him the proper nutrients he needed to survive, but would in no way produce any body fat.

"I know, I know, but listen. I heard that Sasuke might be paying a visit today." I smiled saying these words, because I knew what his reaction would be.

His face lit up a little and he gave a crooked smile. He then glanced expectantly at the book on the bedside table.

I picked up the book. Tales of a Gusty Ninja. Jiraiya had brought the book a new weeks ago and we've all been reading it to him to pass he time. But we're all really doing it for one reason: it's making him happy, and if Naruto's happy, maybe he can forget, even if just for a moment, the terrible things that had happened to him.

I picked up the book and the ailing boy curled up comfortably on his side. After I read the first few pages and Naruto's eyes were closed, the blond engulfed into the story, I gave Kakashi a nod with a furrowed brow and he nodded back, leaving the room to go get Tsunade. As I continued reading, I could help the feeling of pity that clenched around my heart as I began petting his arm gently, feeling the criss cross networks of scars running across it.

Part 2-

~Tsunade POV cause I'm uncreative~

"Good job, Naruto!" I said taking the needle out of his arm.

I stood gently rubbing his arm with my thumb.

"Now Naruto" I collected the vials then presented a small styrofoam bowl on a metal tray and balanced it on Naruto's thighs. "I want you to try to eat something.

I knew what the reaction would be, a whining moan came from the blonde's lips. I smiled and bit back laughter, because he sounded so much like a purring cat.

I handed him a spoon and he shakily clasped it around his hand. He looked at me with sad big blue eyes.

"I know, I know. But let's make a deal, you have 3 spoonfuls of that soup and I'll make that old pervert Jiraiya come back and read you some more of that book he wrote."

At this he took a moment to think, then shakily lowered the spoon into the soup. He attempted to bring the spoon up to his face, but by the time it was halfway there, his hand had shaken so much that there was no soup left.

Oh course, the nerve damage.

Naruto frowned and Kakashi looked up from his book.

He tried again, only to fail.

Iruka, who was sitting next to Kakashi, grabbed the shaking hand on his third attempt and kept it stable enough for him to bring it to his mouth.

He swallowed with a gag and muttered out "Gross."

It was to be expected, his body wasn't use to having to digest anything and he hasn't tasted anything in over a month, but this was good progress.

Another spoonful, gagged down with a scrunched face.

One more- I heard footsteps outside, a soft grunt. Then in came the Uchiha, and Naruto almost dropped the spoon if it weren't for Iruka helping him hold in.

"Good morning, Sasuke, Naruto's almost done with his soup then we'll leave you two alone." (See author's note) Naruto smiled at this and Sasuke walked farther into the room, stopping by the side of the bed and putting his hands in his pockets.

I couldn't help but notice the small satisfied smirk on his face when he saw Naruto sip down the last spoonful of soup. So he noticed the progress too.

Once Naruto finished gagging the last spoonful down, I took the tray and Kakashi, Iruka, and I left the room. We all couldn't help but stand outside of the doorway and hear Sasuke ask

"So what will it be today, Dobe?"

And Naruto smiled and glanced over at the book lying abandoned on the bed next to his thigh.

Sasuke picked it up from where it was opened to and started reading, carefully enunciating each word as Naruto lay there looking out the window.

End of chapter.

Author's Note:
I felt it appropriate to mention that this is not a SasuNaru and there will be no ships in this story. Sorry, but I feel under qualified to write something like that. The next chapter will be released in 48 hours (about), and no later than Sunday morning. Sorry for abandoning you again, but thank you for all the love. Next chapter: The Meetings. In celebration of 20k reads, I'll be taking suggestions for the story. Thank you for all the kind words, I read every single one. Love ❤.

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