Chapter 28: Healing

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"Steady, Steady" Tsunade said in a soft voice, her hands extended and hovering over Naruto's arm and waist, prepared to catch him if he stumbled or fell.

The prone boy moved his right foot forward; inching his way across the room with shaking limbs, the I.V. drip bags on the stand he was clenching vibrating with each tremor of his hand.

One of his feet gave out beneath him and he stumbled. At this point Tsunade had held his waist up and guided him by his free arm to the wheel chair in the corner.

"I think that's enough for the day. You're making a lot of progress, Naruro!"

"Good job, kid!" Jiraiya said with a smile.

Naruto glanced Kakashi, who's head was burried in a book that's title read Nutrient Supplementing and Dietary Needs For Weight Gain. It seemed like he always had a book of some sort like that now. Kakashi felt the gaze on him and looked up and smiled through his mask at the little blond, who was now sitting quietly in his wheelchair, hand and thinning wrist still gripping the I.V. stand.

Tsunade began wheeling him out; Jiraiya guiding the I.V. stand, when two ANBU appeared infront of Tsunade.

"Lord Hokage, the Kazekage has arrived." The one on the left said in an anxious tone trying to be disguised as monotone. Kakashi picked up on this and knew that something was wrong.

Naruto looked at the two new figures. 'Those people... The masks...' Images of the fallen ANBU during the Kyuubi attack flooded his mind. Their blood stained the ground, making it a glossy red. The metallic smell suddenly took over his senses. He couldn't see, he couldn't hear, he couldn't smell, he couldn't breathe...

And suddenly he was grounded. There his sensei was, by his side
stroking his shaking arm with a cool gloved hand and whispering reassuring words into his ear until he calmed down. Then he lifted the small boy up into his arms and held him there, speaking with Jiraiya as he rocked Naruto back and forth, attempting to lull him to sleep.

"Damn you're good at that." Jiraiya commented on how efficiency and quickly Kakashi calmed their student down.

"Hmm. Do you think anything happened in Sand? It would be quite unlike Gaara to make an unexpected visit like this."

"I don't know, I really hope not. Let's not jump to conclusions, we should wait to hear what she says when she returns." The blond sanin had left once she saw that Kakashi had Naruto under control.

Jiraiya glanced at the sleeping boy in Kakashi's arms. "Let's get him back to his room. I'll grab the I.V. stand, can you carry him?"

Kakashi nodded while looking down at the pale light weight in his arms and they started walking.

"So when is the brat getting out of this place?" Jiraiya asked as they arrived at the room.

"Sunday morning, we're hoping." Kakashi said, pausing when he came to a stop and gently setting Naruto on his bed. "I'll be signing the adoption papers on Saturday." He tucked Naruto in, careful not to jolst him.

The two shinobi waited for Iruka to come in before leaving. It was agreed to never leave the boy alone for multiple reasons. A main one being protecting him from harm's way, but everyone really knew how important it was that he was comforted when he woke up from nightmares and always felt safe and

author's note:
I wrote this last week and was planning on finishing it this week cause I didn't hit my word count (I try to do 1000 words every chapter for you guys) but I felt like it needed to be posted before I fall into another procrastination slump. Life sucks. And have a nice day! Love you all ❤. -Author chan. 5-15-17

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