20: Unknowing

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Ahhh thank you all for reading 💕 Pay attention, this chapter is in SAKURA'S POV.

Sakura POV:
It's been two weeks since Naruto woke up. It's been hard for everyone, even Sasuke. He may not show it anymore, but I can see it in his eyes. Iruka sensei comes every day, but he has trouble even looking at Naruto all still in that bed; eyes glazed over and pale skin clashing with the light blue hospital gown that he was put in. Naruto's eyes use to be a bright blue that you couldn't help but smiling at when you saw them, but now, now they're just a dull gray.

Nobody has told me the full extent of what happened, but I know that it was bad. I've heard rumors about what Itachi... Did to him. And what Orochimaru... What Orochimaru did. I try to shake those thoughts out of my head with disgust, reminding myself that I don't know that they're true, but I have a sinking feeling that they are.

I think that this has hit sensei the hardest though. He doesn't speak anymore, and the soon to be new Hokage (based on what I've heard) can barely get him to eat.

Sensei's been sitting on the windowsill every day before visiting hours, and when everyone leaves after visiting hours, he stays. It's almost as if he never leaves.

There's also a man whom I've never seen before that's always here. He has long white jagged hair cascading down his back and red streaks coming down from his eyes almost as if he had been crying blood. He has a firm face, but sometimes I catch it deep in emotional turmoil when nobody's looking.

"Tsunade, I know that you care for Naruto deeply, but the village needs its Hokage, we need to have the ceremony as soon as possible!" I've heard this strange man say.

"I know, but how am I suppose to do that when all I can think about is that he's in that room, not feeling anything but the pain of those memories, when I could've prevented it... When WE could've prevented it. When you could've prevented all of this." She didn't actually say the last part, but I could hear that she was thinking it.

I couldn't actually see what was happening, due to the fact that they were out in the hallway and I was sitting by Naruto's bed reading a book to him, though I doubted that he could hear me, but I think that the strange man enveloped the woman into a hug then all I heard was sobbing from the both of them.

I looked over at sensei to see if he was following this, but he had his Ichi Ichi Paradise book in his hand, though I could see out of the corner of his eyes that he wasn't reading it at all, he was watching the steady rise and fall of Naruto's chest, his unmoving fingers, his sickly pale skin, and his dulled gray eyes.

Author's Note: Thank you all for the sweet comments on my last post. I am doing better, thanks ❤. Remember, suggestions are always welcome.

Continue reading if you would like to understand this chapter better: So I was in a slump, I didn't know how to portray the emotions without it being  in an obvious and bland- almost elementary way. That's where Sakura came in, she wasn't a main part of the plot development (not on purpose), but that would be perfect to show her perspective on the chain of events and how perceptive she is on what's going on around her. I hope that it was easy enough to follow. I wrote this chapter as if it were my POV using the vocabulary I normally use and my way of speech as well as what I would do and pick up on. Ciao!

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