Chapter 27: I'm Sorry

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AN: Trying some Naruto POV for the first time I think (I can't remember) XD Notes and stuff on the bottom.

Naruto POV:

Itachi... Sasuke... Sasuke? I thought with panic shooting through my veins.

"SASUKE!!" I shot up and screamed, only to cringe in pain as my stupidly weak body protested the sudden movement.

"Shhh Sasuke's okay; he's just downstairs getting breakfast." I heard a worried voice trying to comfort me. I looked up and saw the worried eyes of a sanin and a jounin.

"S-sasuk-ke... Ok-kay?" I stuttered out.

"Shh he's fine. Everything's okay. Let's lie back down now. " I heard a difference voice say as they put their hands on my back and slowly brought me down into the bed again. Then the tired hands brought fingers up to my head and began stroking my hair. I recognized this touch.

"Kakashi, will you please go get Sasuke and the others?" The same voice asked. I heard someone walking away.

"Ts-sunade?" I asked and stared at her wide eyed.

"Yes, Naruto?" She said comfortingly, her fingers still in my hair.

"M' s-sorry." I mutterer, looking away from her. She froze.

"For what?" She asked curiously with a serious tone.

"I-it's all m-my faul-lt." I said looking up at her once again then quickly looking away after seeing the shocked expression on her face.

Her fingers were no longer running through my thinning blonde hair.

"Naruto, look at me." She said seriously.

"Naruto." She warned when I continued staring out the window.

"NARUTO!" She said as she cupped my cheek and forced my head to look at her with gentle fingers. "Listen. To. Me." She said, anger starting to seep into her voice.

"This is NOT your fault and will NEVER be your fault. Do you understand?!" She said through gritted teeth. I didn't respond, I just dropped my line of vision away from her face to her feet to avoid eye contact.

"I said Do. You. Understand?" She said, killing intent laced into her words.

"Ba-c-chan, you'r-re scaring me." I said and looked up at her with watery eyes.

Her expression immediately changed. Panic crossed her features, then fear, then regret. She immediately began apologizing.

"I'm so sorry, Naruto" she said with frustration towards herself. "I didn't mean it, I was just so upset about what they did to you, and you need to know that it's not your fault and you'll never be a burden. We all love you so much, and it makes us so happy to be able to make you happy. So please, please never think like that ever again." She was in tears by the time she finished talking.

"Sor-ry Granny, I di-d'nt mean to make you s-sad. " I said, shaking slightly.

She smiled sadly and began stroking my hair again.

Minutes later, Sasuke darted into the room alongside Iruka, Kakashi and Jiraiya behind them.

"Sasuke" I whispered. He ran to my side.

"Naruto", he whispered back, leaning towards the side of my bed.

I didn't think. I leapt towards him and enveloped him in a tight hug, nearly knocking him over. The physical excursion of this small action hurt the sickly body that I'd been forced into so much, but I didn't care.

He rubbed small circles on my back and I was being lulled back to sleep. Before I gave in to the unconsciousness I whispered something into his ear. "I'm sorry, it was all my f-ault."

Before he could retort I had already caved in to the warming darkness that was sleep.

~3rd Person POV~

"He didn't deserve this." Tsunade said after Sasuke had slowly lowered Naruto back into his bed and tucked in the covers, untwisting the I.V. tube that got tangled when Naruto leaped out of the bed.

"We know he didn't, he didn't deserve any of this. It's been that way since the day he was born." The other sanin said and looked down at the week boy sleeping on the bed, a peaceful expression on his face, even though he was twitching now and then.

All eyes looked down and smiled sadly at the prone figure who's hair was once so vibrant, not the muted blonde that it was now. His skin was only shining and tan, now it was almost as pale as the bedsheets he lay on. And his eyes; his eyes had changed the most. They were no longer the sparkling blue that they should be, now they were nothing more than a dulled gray. There wasn't a single person in that room that wouldn't give anything to see those eyes again.

End of chapter.

Author's Note, an apology to my readers:
Thank you all for reading. I'd like to apologize. So many of you have been so kind and supported me and been encouraging me to update and have been waiting for the chapters (confusing run-on much? Lol). I really don't deserve that XD. To be honest, I'm really not proud of this chapter and really didn't want to post it, but I don't know what else to post. I feel like I'm expected to have chapters that are clever and have great vocabulary and description and plot, but I don't think I can do that. We're ranked # 481 in fanfiction now, and I have no idea how 😂. But thank you all for reading, I've really enjoyed talking to all of you. And lastly, I'm really, truly sorry for being the author I am. I've neglected this all so much and can't live up to what you guys picture me and my writing as.

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