16: Slow Motion

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The world seemed to go in slow motion for Sasuke, not that he really noticed. He didn't notice his old academy teacher running into to room and dropping to his knees as he saw Naruto's outburst.

He also didn't notice Kurnei and Asuma running into the room or Kurnei running to him and Asuma holding Iruka. Nor did he notice the blanket being thrown over him.

When he finally was brought back to reality he leapt into Kurnei's chest and began sobbing furiously. She whispered comforting words to him and rubbed his back.

"Shh he'll be okay, he's strong. Naruto's okay, Naruto's okay."

Sasuke still continued to sob.

Kakashi, on the other hand, was just staring into space, refusing to let go of Naruto's hand.

Jiraiya, the great sanin, held Naruto's limp hand up to his face, which was dripping tears. "I... I could've stopped him, I could've stopped Itachi."

Sasuke stiffened considerably at the sound of his brother's name. Kurnei noticed and hushed him and continued with her comforting words.

Asuma just continued to support Iruka and slowly patted his back.

Tsunade was still rubbing Naruto's head with shaky hands.

Then Kakashi finally spoke up. "So... Um.. W-when will he wake up again?" he shakily asked Tsunade.

"What I gave him will ware off in a few hours probably." She replied looking full of pity at the small figure on the bed.

"O-okay" Kakakshi replied softly, rubbing the tiny hand gently.

Sorry for a short chapter! I just realized that I'm younger than every member on Rookie 9 😂 Anyway, I'm going to tell you a little of what's going to come up so if you don't want spoilers then stop reading this. And please comment, it makes me happy. Also, remind me to update ;)
Okay, so Naruto will eventually recover but there will be a lot of comfort/cute and fluffy moments in his recovery. He'll turn 13 in the hospital and after some more fluffiness will get to go home. Well... Not exactly. He'll get adopted by Kakashi and I'll make sure to add him having nightmares and panic attacks and what not (because I'm a terrible person). I honestly also don't think that this story will ever end 😂

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