17: Please

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Author's note:
So... I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while! Remember, if you kill the author she can't write more chapters. Blame school! Speaking of school, mine has been under lockdown for 4 hours and I'm way beyond uncomfortable being crammed under this desk. So to pass the time, I'll bring you the next chapter ;)

Iruka eventually stopped shaking and looked over at the small figure on the bed. Asuma loosened his grip on Iruka and let go.

Sasuke had fallen asleep in Kurnei arms and Jiraiya had calmed down.

They stayed like this for hours, then they realized that it was 3am and Naruto still hasn't woken up, or stirred for that matter.

"Shouldn't the sedative have worn off by now?" Jiraiya asked Tsunade.

"He probably exhausted himself" The slug sanin concluded.

"But... he hasn't stirred" Jiraiya questioned.

Tsunade then came to the realization that she had been so caught up in the outburst that she hadn't even realized that Naruto hadn't woken up yet.

She was at a loss for words, this was very bad. If he hasn't stirred... Everyone else in the room figured it out. He must've put himself into shock with lead to his state.

Tsunade decided to take action and everyone in the room obeyed to her order, knowing that it was for Naruto's sake.

"Kurnei, take Sasuke home and watch out for him, he'll probably freak out and demand to see Naruto when he wakes up." Kurnei nodded and walked out of the room with the smallest Uchiha in her arms.

"Jiraiya, try to go and get some rest, I know that that fight with Orochimaru made you exhausted." Jiraiya started to protest but saw the look in Tsunade's eyes and thought otherwise.

Jiraiya was about to leave when the little blond started to stir.

He rubbed his eyes and sat up. Everyone in the room was beyond shocked at not this action, but the calm manor that he did it in.

"Hey, Naruto" Jiraiya gently told him. Naruto didn't respond, or acknowledge the fact that anyone was speaking to him. He just stared blankly into space.

"Naruto, Naruto?" Kakashi lightly quipped. "Can you hear me?"

No recognition.

"Tsunade, what's wrong with him?"

"He... His brain must've shut off to put himself into this state." She said completely shocked.

"Well, what can we do to help the brat?" Jiraiya asked seriously.

"I don't know. He's in a very fragile state right now so we must treat this situation correctly."

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