Best Day Ever

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Ginny screamed and fell off the bed "Ember!!"

I smiled innocently "I love you" i went into the bathroom and got changed

            As i walk out of the bathroom something jumped in front of me "BOO!!!!" I screamed a bit, but realised it was Ginny "Hahahaha!!! Your face!!!"

I rolled my eyes "Hahaha, no."

            We went down to the common room, but i was too tired or lazy to walk to the Great Hall "Freddieeee, Georieeee, will one of you carry me?"

"What? Your feet don't work?" George asked

I shook my head "No"

"I'll do it" Fred grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder

"Ughh, that's not what i meant!!"

"You asked us to carry you. And i am, so shut up"

            "I really don't like having your ass in my face" i mean seriously! It's right in front of my face!!

Fred put me down on the bench "You know you like it"

I rolled my eyes "Yeah, i totally love your ass"

He smiled and kissed my head "Why thank you"

            I sighed and started to eat pancakes!!! I drenched them with syrup(: and started to eat. Harry laughed at me "Would you like some pancakes with that?"

I shook my head "Nah"

"So" George started "We are going swimming, okay"

Swimming?! YES!! m/(-.+)m/ hehe "Okay!"

            After we ate breakfast, we went to our dorms to change. But me, being stalked by Malfoy and Blaise, they stopped me "Where you going?"

            I pulled away from Malfoy's grip "My dorm" i ran to my dorm, but i can hear them running after me. Why can't they just leave me alone?! I went into the bathroom and changed into a bikini Me, Mione, and Ginny went down to then common room where the boys were waiting for us "We going to the black lake?"

George shook his head "Nope, me and Fred found a secret passage way to a beach"

            Beach!? SCORE!!! No Malfoy and Blaise! My day just keeps getting better and better hehe. We followed Fred and George as they lead us to the passage way. Completely avoiding Malfoy and Blaise, hehe. "Ladies"

"And Gentlemen"

"Welcome to the beach"

            We walk through and saw a beautiful beach! Its not too hot, not too bright, not many people here. Yes, there was other people here, but barely. Man, you gotta love the twins!! I tackled both Fred and George "I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!"

They laughed "We love you too Ember"

            I got up and helped them up "Let's go swimming!!" we put our stuff down and stripped into our bathing suites "WATER!!!" did i just say water? Oh, well.... I ran toward the water and fell back. The cool water felt good. I stood back up and saw everyone in the water splashing each other, so i joined them

            After awhile i got out and collapsed onto a beach towel Mione layed out. Hmm... Maybe i'll get a tan.. But i don't want to burn. I started to rub sunblock on to my arms and legs. Now my back.... Who should i ask? Ron won't do it, it would be a bit awkward if Mione or Ginny does it. Harry has a bit of a crush on me, but i don't want to lead him on. Fred would make some kind of perverted comment.. I guess i'll asked George "GEORGE!!!!!!"

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