Hogwarts Express

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I packed everything I needed into my trunk. This was the last time I'd ever be able to do this. I would have never thought my last year at Hogwarts would be like this. I walked over to my mirror and examined myself. I was so pale and skinny. I lifted my left sleeve and frowned at the Dark Mark.
"I'm not mad at you by the way." I heard Ginny's voice.
I turned around and saw her standing in the door frame. I rolled my sleeve back down. "I wouldn't blame you if you were."
Ginny walked up to me. "I've known you since I was little. You may be you know who's daughter and a death eater, but neither of them are your fault. I know Harry and Ron are upset by you, but they'll get over it. They're your best friends, they have to."
I ran my hand through my hair. "Maybe it's better this way."
"What are you talking about?" Ginny questioned.
"For the past few years I've done nothing but make things worse." I said to her.
"That's not true." Ginny said.
"Yes it is," I looked at her. "Ever since we all found out I was a Riddle-"
"Ember stop it." Ginny said sternly. "Where you came from doesn't make you who you are. It's your actions that matter and all you've-"
I cut her off, "my actions? I became a Death Eater."
"Because Dumbledore told you to." Ginny said. "All you've ever done, you did it because you thought it was right."
"And yet there are still people pissed off at me." I sighed.
"It never stopped you before, so why let it now?" Ginny asked.
"You're right," I said to her. "When we get the Hogwarts... It'll be surrounded by Death Eaters."
"Well, it's a good thing we have a 'loyal' Death Eater on our side to make sure nothing bad happens." Ginny smiled.
"I will try my hardest," I smiled back faintly.
There was a knock on the door. It was George. "It's time to go," he said sadly.
We carried our trunks downstairs. Kingsley, Remus, Arthur, Fred and George were going to take Ginny and I to the Platform. I said goodbye to Molly. "Be safe," she said as she embraced me protectively.
"You too," I said as I pulled away from the hug.
"Let's go." We all got into a car Remus somehow got and drove to King's Cross. George put his hand on my knee and squeezed it. I looked at him and he gave me a small smile. I returned it and rest my head on his shoulder. When we got to Kings Cross, we ran through the barrier to Platform 9 3/4.
The atmosphere was different. It felt dense, almost suffocating. A few people stared at me and whispered. George put his arm around me and lead me through the crowd. Remus looked at me, "take care." He pulled me into a hug. "Please be careful. Look out for everyone."
I nodded, "I will."
Ginny and I said good bye to everyone and got on the train. We went to a table with Luna and Neville. Neville smiled a little. "Hey."
"How was your summer?" I asked Neville.
He shrugged, "okay I guess. Your's? Luna was telling me about what happened at the wedding."
"I've had better summers." I replied. "How are you Luna?"
"I'm quite well," Luna replied dreamily. "Would you like the new edition of the Quibbler?" She held up a colorful magazine.
I nodded, "I'd love one." Ginny and I both took one from Luna.
Half way through the ride back to Hogwarts, the train stopped. I saw black mist soar through the air. Death Eaters. A Death Eater walked into the cart. Cormac stood up, "my father will be hearing about this." Oh shut up Cormac. You sound like Draco.
The Death Eater scanned the room and his eyes landed on me. Neville stood up, "hey loser. He isn't here." Go Neville. The Death Eater stared at me for another second, then left. Neville sat back down. I shifted a little because almost everyone was staring at me. Neville nudged me, "you alright?"
I nodded, "that was awesome by the way. Standing up like that."
Neville blushed a bit, "thanks. You don't know where he is do you?"
I shook my head, "no idea." The train started moving again. The trolley went by and I bought us all some sweets. Luna seemed really happy when I bought her a licorice wand. I glanced over at the door of the cart, I saw Draco. He looked at me. I could tell he wanted to talk. "I have to go to the loo." I stood up and walked out of the cart. I followed Draco to an empty compartment. Draco locked the door and pulled the curtains. I leaned against the window and watched Draco carefully.
Draco looked at me, "you know there will be a lot of Death Eaters at Hogwarts."
I nodded, "I am aware."
"Many of which hate you," he continued.
"I am aware." I said again.
"Promise me you will not do anything that will get you in trouble." Draco almost pleaded.
"No promises," I told him.
He looked me in the eyes, "Ember. I'm being serious. None of them will hesitate to torture you if you give them the chance."
"I don't care." I said.
Draco took a step forward, "I do. I've seen you get tortured before and I don't want to see that happen to you again."
"Then look away."
"Ember. Please. You're the one person I care most about. I know everything's screwed up. I know I messed up and I know I don't deserve you. But I care about you so much." Draco said, "I love you Ember." My breath hitched. "I love you more than anything in the world. I don't need wealth, power or glory. All I need is you. I know this may sound selfish, but I can't lose you. I need you in my life, Ember." I studied his face for a few seconds. I could tell he meant every word. He always get this look in his eye when he's telling the truth. "Please say something."
"Draco, I can't do this." I said to him. "I know I said that I wanted to start over and I do. But with all of the shit that's going on right now, I can't be with you." Draco looked at me, everything in me broke when I saw tears form in his eyes. Draco sat down and ran his hands through his hair. I walked over to the door and unlocked it.
"Tell me you don't love me," Draco said. I stopped and looked at him. He stood back up, he was almost towering over me. Our closeness made my heart race. I could smell his sweet scent that I loved so much. "Tell me you don't love me anymore and I'll stay out of your life forever."
"I don't want you out of my life forever." I said quietly.
"Then tell me you love me." Draco said, his voice was low and firm. It almost scared me.
"Tell me." Draco said, he almost sound demanding.
I felt tears form in my eyes. Stop it. I took a deep breath and looked at him. It took everything in me to not fall into his arms again. "I don't love you  Draco." I was afraid of his reaction. I quickly left the compartment and ran to the washroom. I locked the door and leaned against the door. I tried to take deep breaths, but I fell onto the floor with tears streaming down my face. I'm sorry Draco.
I stood up and washed my face with cold water. I looked into the mirror and sighed. Okay Ember. You have to make it through this year and hope Harry knows what he's doing. I walked out of the washroom and went back to Ginny, Neville and Luna.
"What took you so long?" Ginny asked me.
"I ran into Blaise. He was just asking how I was and how Harmony was." I explained.
Ginny nodded, "you still-"
"Trust him?" I questioned. "Yes, but a part of me tells me that I shouldn't trust anyone."
"You trust us don't you?" Neville asked in fear.
I nodded, "of course I trust you guys. There's only a handful of people I trust now. But the scary thing is, I don't think I trust myself."
"Well, we trust you." Ginny smiled at me.
I smiled back a little. "Thanks Ginny."

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