I love you

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Draco kissed my forehead. "Put on something nice, but warm. It gets cold at night."
I gave him a confused look. "Where are we going?"
"You'll see," he smiled. "I'll send Blaise to get you."
I nodded. "Okay."
He kissed my cheek. "See you later."
I walked into the Common Room and saw my group of friends sitting on the couches. "How was your day with Draco?" May asked.
"We walked around the Lake, we played quidditch, we visited Hagrid, and went to the Astronomy tower," I smiled. "And he has plans again, he told me to go get ready."
Ginny's face brighten up. "Can we help you get ready?"
I bit my lip. "Fine."
Mione, Ginny, and May grinned widely and dragged me up to our dorm. "What should you wear.." Mione asked.
"Something nice, but warm." I answered.
"Hmm..." The three of them went through my closet, tossing clothes everywhere.
I groaned, "you guys are making a mess!"
"What about lace?" May asked.
"Do you want her to catch a cold?" Mione asked.
"It's cute.." May said, then tossed it to the side.
"Plaid?" Mione asked.
Ginny shook her head, "Ember does look good in plaid, but she needs to wear something that Draco would love."
"'Something that Draco would love'?" May repeated. "If you want something that he'll love, then she might as well go in her under wear!"
"Hey!" I exclaim. "He isn't... THAT big of a perv!"
May rolled her eyes, "mhmm."
"Not pink," Ginny threw a pink top to the side.
"No red, too bold." Mione said, throwing a bright red top into the air.
"I got it!" May held up a blue sleeveless top.
Mione gave her a look. "Again, do you want her to catch a-"
Ginny cut her off by holding up a leather jacket. "This over it?"
"Yes! Then these jeans" May grabbed a black pair of jeans.
"These shoes then," Mione smiled.
"Put this on!" May tossed me the clothes.
"Hurry, so I can curl your hair" Ginny smiled.
I rolled my eyes and went into the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth, then put the clothes on. I walked out of the bathroom. "I like this," I smiled.
"Hair time." Ginny pushed me onto a chair and started to curl my hair.
Mione put her favorite lip gloss on me. "There, shiny."
"Done!" Ginny said after 20-ish minutes.
I smiled. "Thanks guys!-"
"Oi," there was a knock on the door then it opens revealing George. "Zambini is outside the portrait- wow Ems. You look gorgeous."
"Thanks George," I walked over and we went down stairs. I walked through the portrait ans see Blaise. "Where's Draco?"
"Setting up the surprise he has you." Blaise replied.
"He's not going to make me walk all over the castle again is he?" I questioned. Not that I didn't enjoy Draco's little gifts. I just didn't want to walk around the castle.
He laughed. "No."
I sighed in relief. "Good"
"Come on." Blaise lead me outside, then he blindfolds me "Trust me?"
"Mmm... yeah"
Blaise scoffed "Took you a while to answer that."
"Aw, you know i love you Blaise."
"mhmm" Blaise sasses. We finally came to a stop "Bye."
"blaiseee." I whined. i had no clue where I am!
The blind fold came off and I saw Draco smiling at me. "Hello love, You look beautiful."
I smiled. "Thanks, you look handsome."
He kissed me on the mouth. "Come on," He took my hand and lead me to a tree a little further than we usually go when we're by the lake. We walked around the tree and I saw a candle lit picnic. "Like it?"
"Love." I smiled widely. We sat down across from each other, and guess what. This wasn't a fancy picnic at all! Draco had brought pizza. Oh my merlin "I love pizza." (A/n tbh I hate pizza. I think it's gross and the smell makes me sick.)
Draco smiled. "I know and I know you don't like going on super fancy dates all the time. So I asked Dumbledore if we can go there and have a picnic under the stars and have some muggle food."
I leaned in and pecked his lips. "I love it."
We spent about half an hour eating pizza, cookies, and chocolate covered strawberries. Yummm. We joked around and talked about the past 4 years. It was relaxing and fun. "Come on, I have something else."
We stood up and Draco used magic to clean up the picnic. Draco grabbed something from behind a tree, it was his broom. He mounted it and looked at me. "Well, are you coming?" I smiled and got on behind him. I wrapped my arms around his waist and rest my head on his shoulder. "Ready?"
"Yes," i smiled.
Draco flew up into the air. The cool air hit my face and blew my hair back. We flew around the castle, Hogwarts was beautiful under the moon light. It truly was magical. Draco flew over the lake, and i carefully let go of him and put my arms in the air like what Sam does when her and Patrick are in the tunnel (A/N You shouldd know the book/movie ;))
Draco laughed as I yelled out. Draco stopped and hovered over the moon lit water. "Ember?"
He looked behind me and smiled. "I love you."
I smiled back. "I love you too."
He leaned back and pressed him lips against mine. When we ran out of air, he pulled away "hold on."
I wrapped my arms back around his waist as he flew towards the woods, he flew over it. I could hear creatures howling, hooting, chirping, growling. Then, Draco flew back to the Castle and circled the astronomy tower. He landed on the roof and we both climbed off the broom. I saw a blanket and candy. Smiling, I sat down next to Draco. He wrapped the blanket around the both of us and smiled at me "Had fun?"
I nodded. "Yes. Today was amazing. I'm glad Dumbledore let us have the whole day to ourselves."
"Me too." He kissed my cheek. we ate the candy and talked even more. I didn't realize we fell asleep on the roof, until Draco woke me up. "Ember, wake up Love. We need to go."
"Mmmmm" I opened my eyes and sat up "Okay"
Draco gathered everything and climbed onto his broom. "come on" I climb on behind him. and he flew me to the window of my dorm. He kissed my lips "See you in class."
I opened the window and climbed inside. "Bye Draco"
"I love you." He said with a smile.
"I love you too" I smiled, he gave me one last kiss and flew away.
I turned around to see the girls still asleep. I looked at the clock '3:20' Yess. I can sleep a little more. I kicked my shoes off and toss my jacket to the side and climb into my bed. Not bothering to change.

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