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Narcissa's pov
The Dark Lord held a meeting at my mansion. Death Eaters surround a large table with the Dark Lord at the head of the table. "Some of you already know that my daughter, November has been locked up in Azkaban." The Dark Lord started.
November? Draco's girlfriend? How did she get locked up in Azkaban? She's so sweet and nice, although has a temper. I don't see why she's in Azkaban. She's only 15 years old.
"I will break her out tomorrow at midnight." The dark lord added.
"My Lord," Severus spoke up. "Do you think it is wise to have another break out?"
"Are you questioning my decisions, Severus?" The dark lord questioned.
"Of course not, my Lord." Severus said, "you would not want to expose yourself too much too soon."
"No I would not." The dark lord agreed. "But, I need her to be well and able to join me at age 16. I need her sane."
Bellatrix scoffed to herself, "my Lord. Do you think it is wise to have a little girl as a death eater? I mean, other people can put thoughts in her head. For example, she is close to Dumbledore, Potter, those Weasleys."
"Yes, and we will use that to our advantage." The dark lord said, "Severus will take care of my daughter while she has been assigned a task. Along with Draco."
They are just kids. I don't understand why he wants them now.

Ember's pov
I rather die than be here. That pedophile guy keeps trying to get on me. I've been raped once. I will not let it happen again.
I glared at the guy as he sat on his bed across the cell, smirking at me. I want to rip his balls off and shove it down his throat. I hope he dies, slow and painfully.
"Let's go," he walked over to me and towered over me. "Real nice, slow... Sexy."
"I'll tell you a little secret," I said.
"And what is this little secret?" He smirked and touched my thighs.
"Have you ever heard about how the Dark Lord had a daughter but was lost?" I asked.
He nodded, "yeah I've heard something like that before. How he killed his wife and no one knows where his daughter is. What are you going on about?"
I am literally disgusted and want to throw up right now. "His daughter is alive. He knows about her. He will stop at nothing to make sure nothing bad will happen to her because she is very powerful. He wants that power. To defeat Harry Potter."
"Okay and?"
"Do you know my name?" I questioned.
I smirked, "my name is November Elizabella Riddle. My father is Voldemort. Do you know what he will do if he found out you tried to rape his daughter?"
"He does not have a heart." He laughed, "you are not his daughter."
"Really?" I asked, "he only cares about me because of my power. I am his daughter. I may not like the fact that I am his daughter, but I am. I can tell him to kill you. I can make sure you die in the most painful, brutal way possible."
"You wouldn't dare," He stepped back.
"Try me." I taunted.
"I was one of his loyalist death eaters."
I laughed, "yeah. Key word, 'was'. You're no use when you're locked up in Azkaban."
"Yeah? Why are you locked up in Azkaban?" He questioned, "you are the Dark Lord's little princess."
I glared at him as hard as I could. He died 50 times over in my head. "Don't call me princess, ever again. I got locked up in this hell hole by that stupid pink bitch, Umbridge, who works for Fudge because I'm Voldemort's daughter."
"And notice that he hasn't broken you out of here yet."
I crossed my arms over my chest, "you're supposably his loyalist follower. Why hasn't he broken you out?"
"He won't know about this," he lunged towards me and forced his lips onto mine.
I used all the energy in me to push him away. Which wasn't much because well, I am in Azkaban, surrounded by dementors. "Get off me!" I screamed.

Harry's pov
"Harry!" Hermione ran over holding a copy of the Daily Prophet.
May gave her a weird look, "calm down."
"There's been another breakout in Azkaban." Hermione held up the prophet. "Four death eaters escaped. One of them is Ember."
"What?!" May snatched the prophet from Hermione and examined it. "How did she get out?"
"Isn't it obvious?" Hermione questioned. "You know who did it."
"Do you think she's with him?" I asked, "maybe at the Malfoy manor."
"We can ask Draco," May suggested. "Or i can owl Narcissa. But... I don't think that'll be a good idea, if he is at the manor."
"We can't owl anyone lately," I said. "I haven't owled Sirius in a long time."
"He might know about the breakout," Ron said. "Maybe he'll do that thing with the fireplace."
"I really hope she's okay." Ginny spoke up.
"Should we tell Draco?" George asked.
"I will," May said.

Ember's pov
I glared at Voldemort as he stood in front of me. "How are you, November?" Voldemort asked.
"Peachy." I said.
"Azkaban is-"
"A hell hole," I finished his sentence. "Can I leave?"
"Not yet," Voldemort circled me once then stopped. "I want you to swear your allegiance with me."
"I'm doing that when I'm 16 remember?" Because Dumbledore wants me too!! Ugh.
"Yes, but I have a simple task for you."
"Oh really?" I asked, "I just got out of Azkaban. I don't care who you are or what you can do. But I am scared out of my mind. What? Are you shocked that I told THE Dark Lord that I was scared? Well I am!"
"Fear will not be tolerated." Voldemort pointed his wand at me, "crucio." My knees gave in and I fell onto the ground. I was too weak to try to fight back. I screamed in pain. He lifted the curse, "no daughter of mine will be afraid. You will not be seen as a coward."
"I am not a coward," i managed to say. I took a few deep breaths then said, "if anything. You're the coward. You're hiding from a 15 year old boy. People may be afraid of you. But to me, the way I see it, you're afraid. You're afraid of Harry. I know you are."
"Silence!" Voldemort boomed. Pain shot through my body. Burning pain. My head started pounding. Black spots started to appear. I tried to fight back, but I couldn't take it anymore.

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