The Injury

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"Tyler tell me, tell me what happened." I said skimming over the scar that went from the top of his eye to the other side of his body.

"This car, same exact car from the other day, came straight at me again, I couldn't do anything. So I jumped out of the car, with my car ramming into the other car, and when I jumped out, there was a nail sticking up out of the ground. And it-it just skimmed over my whole body. But look I'm ok. Stop crying." He said sweetly.

I started crying tears coming out and never stopped. I tried to stop. I tried, tried, and tried again. Then I finally quit.

"Why didn't you call me?" I said wiping my eyes.

"Cause I knew you would freak out, like you are now."

"True." I said laughing.

"Dinners ready!" Said Tyler's mom with a muffled voice.

I jumped up from Tyler's bed. "I'm starving, come on!" I said grabbing Tyler's hand and running downstairs.


"Amazing food Mary and Bruce! Thank you two so much." I said gulping down half of my coke.

"Well, I thank you. You two might need to go to bed it's nine thirty and ya'll have school." Said Bruce.

"Oh yes! I'm gonna go get ready! Thank you!" I said chugging down the rest of the coke.

I jumped out of my seat and ran upstairs. I ran into the bathroom and started brushing my teeth.

"Well you're eager to sleep." I heard Tyler say as he walked around the corner of the door.

"Shutup. I'm tired." I said spitting out some toothpaste.

I finished brushing my teeth, "Ok you live in a mansion, are you sure you don't have a guest room?"

"One but it's like three fourths of my room." Said Tyler leaning against the door frame.

"Don't get so smart on me and turn a math geek." I said laughing.

"I'll show you." Said Tyler grabbing my hand and taking me to a room at the end of the hallway.

He opened the door and showed me the room, it was big! It had a TV and a bathroom! A water bed too!!

"I'll think I can stay in here." I said eager to get in bed.

"Ok, get in the bed and I'll get stuff ready for you." He said walking around the room turning all the lights off and the TV on.

"Thank you." I said getting comfortable.

"No problem. I'll be in my room right beside you if you need me. Love you." Tyler said kissing my forehead.

"Love you too." I said smiling.

Tyler closed the door and I fell asleep. A long, good, watery sleep.

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